
My mom is obssesed with s*x....?

by  |  earlier

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i know this is not ordinary things you hear but my mom is totally obsessed with s*x!! its gotton to the point where im embarrassed to have my friends over because all you can hear is her doing it!!! when ever i talk about something she somehow makes it lead to the topic about s*x!! she will get into fights on purpose with my dad and literally whine and ***** until she gets s*x. She is 50 btw and i think she should tone it down a notch. i dont know what to do. any advice?




  1. It sounds like you need to stay out of your parents personal life.  You are reading too much into this.....It seems you are blaming a lot on your mom "her doing it"  Your friends do not need to be hanging out at your parents home.....

  2. Buy some ear plugs and look away.  She's going through a mid life crisis and is taking care of it the best she knows how.  As long as she's doing it with your dad, then let it go.  She's aging and needs to feel loved.

  3. THIS IS GREAT!  I wish to be like your mother when I'm 50.  LOL

    If you have a problem with it, don't bring your friends to the house and leave when your parents are doing it.

    Do you have a job?  Can you go out with your friends more so that you're not at home all the time?

    If I was your mother, I'd be more discreet, but because of her age, I'm guessing your old enough to watch over yourself and get away for a while without supervision.

    When you get married, and you start a family - you'll understand how awesome your Mom is.

    In a marriage, what's important is that both parents continue their love for each other (that means keeping up with the hot passionate s*x).  In a family, what's important is that the kids grow up as independent people to move on...

    So...when do you turn 18?

  4. tell your mom that you can hear her at night and if she could please stop makeing noise or for then to do it in someother room not close to yours when your friends are over

  5. Most women don't loose their s*x drive, in fact it can get increased after their 40s... this is actually quite normal.

    Also realize that most men loose their s*x drive after their 30s which means your family is normal.

    Your mum needs something to preoccupy her that doesnt involve s*x. A job, a game, something to distract her.

    Go buy her an online game or something.

  6. Move out.  

  7. let her have her s*x, sheesh!! get your self an ipod and some kick *** music. As for the friends coming over, just don't have them come over, go to their house.

  8. h**l can you tell me where you live so I can meet your mom? LOL

  9. There's nothing you can do, sweetie.   What, you think you can say or do something to CHANGE HER???  Not going to happen!!

    She actually might be mentally ill but you'll never get her to a psychologist.

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