
My mom is overreacting a lot lately, example in here?

by  |  earlier

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She is overeacting so much. I woke today a little crabby and mad.

So she asked me if I wanted eggs this morning while I was still laying down. I said No thanks. Then I said Do you have canadian bacon? She said yes.

So I walked out to the kitchen and said " i didn't want eggs."

And she was like " You said u wanted them since you asked if you wanted bacon."

so then I was like "no...I said no thanks. remember?" She's like "NO YOU DIDNT!" and yelled. my mom doesn't remember stuff what-so-ever.

Then she is like "I don't like your attitude" And I ran to go get her from taking my stuff I bought from somewhere important. =[

Then she's like " get away from me!!" and slammed th door to her closet where my stuff was. I was sorta crying and I said "Mom you are overreacting!" She said " Go away from me! I don't like you!" I was astonished. She has said this before but would take it back right away. But no. So now...Am I overreacting? Or is it she?





  1. Its that time of the MOnntthhh

  2. My mom's been acting that way too. A possibility is that your mom might be going through menopause (I just found out my mom is, so it could be that).

  3. she

  4. wow :| shes the one over-reacting

    just tell your mum how you feel nd she might see why your upset :)

  5. well

    u dnt wanna b me then ur mom will hate the fkkin life outa u lol

    but i got mytv, radio, cell phone, laptop, cellphone

    all token away so i was screamin at her wat did i do 2do this o wat i i raise my hand at heran i screamed so loudly the neighbors came over !!


    but i got everythin about in a month i didnt have any of that stuff!!! an on my cvelphone i dont have texting at all now an my mins start at 7 instead of 6

    so i messed up bad lol

  6. lol even if you figure out if you or her was overreacting, i don't think that would help your emotion towards her because a sorry to any of the party both would still remember the words that came out of the mouth. you can't really chose who you are related too, so you adjust or tolerate, that the best thing i can say.

  7. Honestly she is the one overreacting, I think you should try and seek professional help because she may have serious clinical issues going on that she needs help for immediately. If you are still in grade school talk to your school guidance counselor and see what they think. They're your friends and will help you out of this.

  8. Kind of sounds like my mom. She's never said she didn't like me, but she has said things like "I can't stand you right now." And she recently told me she wouldn't miss me when I left for college. With my mom, it's because she is going though menopause. She is VERY emotional because of it. She would also be the same way with PMS. Maybe your mom is having the same problem? Or maybe she has another psychological issue going on. Depression maybe, or bipolar disorder?

    When you have both calmed down, talk to your mom about it. Maybe there is something going one that you don't know about. Tell her how she made you feel when she said she didn't like you. Hopefully, she will see where she went wrong and apologize.

    Best of luck!

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