
My mom is practucally forcing me to eat! help?

by  |  earlier

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ok its not my fail i dont get

hungry so please dont say eat healthy blah blah blah..

she says its for my own good n that need to eat

i love tea and i drink like 3 cups of tea a day and well

i dont get hungry at all either its not my fault i dont want to eat because i dont get hungry.

she says even if i dont want to shes going to make me eat i dont wanna

eat and she cant force me. what now?

how can i can convince her that I'm practically normal and that I'm not in my way to getting some mental eating disorder? dint




  1. Obviously your mom is worried about you, and thats why she wants you to eat. Maybe you should see a doctor if you don't get hungry because thats not normal. Just humor her and eat, she's only bugging you because she cares.

  2. Anorexia ring a bell. I would be very concerned if I was YOUR parents too. Stop bs yourself BEFORE you end up in the hospital wired for sound. You WILL be hospitalized shortly if you want to or not. You'll just pass out and wake up in the hospital. Start eating or find out the hard way.

  3. There may be some very logical medical reason why you're not getting hungry.  Maybe not an eating disorder or anything, but there could actually be something medically wrong.  So maybe something as simple as a trip to the doctor.  That way, if the doctor doesn't think that there's anything wrong and he tells your mother.......she'll be convinced.  This will also show that you have nothing to hide and prove to your mom that you are concerned about your health.  It'll also take care of her trying to forcefeed you. LOL.  Good luck!

  4. You're not supposed to eat because you get hungry.

    You're supposed to eat because your body needs food to function properly.

    There is a mental disorder where the stomach never sends the brain the signal that you are full, so these people keep eating and eating.

    Maybe your stomach never sends your brain the signal that you need food? Might be worth checking out.

  5. If you drink tea and don't eat you have a problem. You may not be hungry because the tea fills you up but you can't live doing that. It really makes your metabolism slow and if you continue to do this it can kill you. How about drinking tea and eating a meal or two just for your health. I'm not telling you to eat a lot just enough so you will be healthy. She is just looking out for you.

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