
My mom is so dumb and overprotective. what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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my mom is so annoying. she never lets me do anything. if she doesn't have a full background check on a friend of mine whose house i want to go to she doesn't let me (not an exaggeration). she thinks she has to know about all my friends and she finds out bc she's friends with the school counselor. she doesn't let me ride in a friend's car bc it's "dangerous". i can't start driver's training unless i pay myself. i'm 16. i have a job but the cost of training plus liscense plus car plus gas plus insurance is a little much for me too pay and its not like she is tight on money, she just bought herself 7000 dollar braces. and she constantly insults my friends. her expectations are too high. i have to get all A's and B's or i'm automatically grounded for a week at least. i'm a junior and i'm taking physics, anatomy and physiology, english 11 honors, algebra 2, american history, and spanish 2, and it will be incredibly hard. all i want is in the time i'm not doing schoolwork is to spend time with my friends without her knowing every single detail of my life. what do i do to escape this prison???




  1. If more mothers were like yours, we'd see a huge decrease in teenage pregnancy, gang activity, drug abuse, criminal behaviors, and careless accidents.

    It's annoying but you're better off in the long run.

    I do disagree with the insulting, though.

  2. well even tho your mom is over protective but she does it for a good reason...just watch the news and look at all the crazy people out there, she is just trying to protect grandma did the same thing and is doing it to my brother now but i know she did all for a good reason...just trust her and you will understand when you have your own kids.  But i do agree on the grades thing she just expects good things from you and that's to the extreme but i think she just wants you to turn out great.  

  3. I know how you feel but first of all don't call your mom names, it's kind of not nice. I felt the same way, my mom wouldn't let me go anywhere and she made me graduate high school a year early so I'm missing out on a senior year with my friends but you know what, she is just trying to do whats best for me. Sit down with her and have a mature and adult talk. Explain the situation and discuss it. It won't work immediately , but my mom definitely eased up on me..

    Good Luck

  4. keep those grades high and leave home when your 18 but, make sure you go to the right place dont use college as an excuse to get away from her, you could end up going somewhere worse, i understand what you are saying, it sucks to be treated that way, maybe she watches too much tv and freaks out that those things will happen to you, maybe try talking to her and compromising on somethings.

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