
My mom is so me and my friends :/?

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My mom is out of control. She used to be the nicest mom around but she has been changing for the worse. I'm thirteen and my mom and I fight every single day. She just says stuff that she knows makes me mad from previous fights. For starters, she hates my best friend because my brother told her horrible untrue things. I've told her this before too and she says she won't believe a s**t, referring to my best friend, who is NOT. She calls me a brat and ***** all the time, and calls my best friend a s**t, tramp, w***e, ECT. I'm so sick of it. She doesn't understand how much this hurts me. I just don't get it. She is horrible now. Every single day i'm afraid she's going to go too far with everything. She took me school shopping the other day and bought be tons of stuff but she knew I was mad. I think she felt bad and tried to buy my forgiveness. I just hate how she is horrible to me and my best friend. Also, she tells ME, a thirteen year old how my sister is a big s***w up and that she would HATE it if i turned out like her. Now that hurts because I look up to her and love her very much so. She just loves my brothers, and i dont understand why! They make mistakes too! One day, my brother got in big trouble with my mom and she yelled at him but that night she started taking it all out on me and saying my phone is getting taken away when I didn't do anything! I told her she is taking it all out on me and it's unfair. She replied I'm just sick of all my children. I understand that 1/2 of her children make her unhappy but she shouldn't be taking it out on us for her mistake to not love being a parent..




  1. As someone who has raised a teenage girl I need to tell you that your mom is terrified for you. If your bf dresses in a s**y manner or flirts with boys then your mom is probably afraid she is promiscuous and will influence you. Since your sister is doing things that your mom doesn't approve of, she isn't setting a good example for you in your mom's eyes and your mom is probably trying to warn you so you won't be like that.

    Is your mom being fair? No. Does she love you? I would say yes. Unfortunately boys still get away with a lot more than girls do. Many parents don't realize that its just as dangerous out there for boys as it is for girls now. There has always been a double standard and boys have gotten away with more than girls. I had the same problem umpteen years ago when I was a teen. My older brother could do anything he wanted but my parents thought everything I said or did proved I wasn't a good girl. We had some serious fights even way back then. It isn't fair but that's the way it is.

    Its tough being a teenager. It really is. I worried myself sick over my daughter and I knew she was a good kid. That still didn't stop us from having some major fights. She lived through it. There were times when I wondered if we both would survive her teens but she is an adult now and a mother and has told me more than once she can understand now why I was the way I was.

    Hang in there. Keep being yourself and your mom will realize she doesn't have to worry about you as much as she thinks she does now.

  2. my advice to you is to ask her if yall could set down and talk about things and let her know how you feel about what she says to you and youre friend and that you love her and you just wonted to know why everything is tooking out on you and that you dont like her calling you names and hurting youre feelings like that .. and could she be a little more kinder to you i hope this helped you out some good luck  

  3. stop speaking to her. or give her h**l.

    i hate mothers like yours. people dont believe you - and they are all happy to blame you 'oh , she loves you, youre just overreacting etc, its your hormones'

    i hope you move away from home as soon as possible.  

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