
My mom is started homeschooling.......?

by Guest66911  |  earlier

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She is taking me, my little sister,and my older brother out of our high school and homeschooling us. She did it when we were in 2nd-3rd grade. She hates how our high school is run, but she's keeping my little brother in 1st grade, which I don't think is fair. She also has a teacher's degree and was a ninth grade teacher up until I was seven.

I kinda don't want it to happen, I'll miss my friends, my popularity, my column.

What are your points on this?




  1. If you miss your friends and your mom's mind is made up, here's what you do:

    Arrange study meet-ups with your buddies. Plan your studies to match up with theirs if you can. Get your stuff done super early, then invite the girls over for tea and conversation right after school. Invite them to take classes, like dance or martial arts with you. Walk with neighborhood girls in the evenings. Go hang at the mall, or the movies on weekends. Your prime socializing time is still opened to you, maybe more than ever.

  2. Im homeschool but, All my friends graduated and I skipped soo much so i decided to finish school up but, all i want to do is graduate and get it over with the faster you work and understand you will be done and your friends will still be in school

    She just wants you to have a better education =]

    btw im 16

  3. I think that if you are in High School you are old enough to decide for yourself but I am not your mother. Approach her in a mature manner.See if there is another adult you trust who can speak with her. Point out that she is only qualified to teach in her area of certification and you are worried about colleges. Write her a letter explaining what she is forcing you to give up.

  4. maybe your mom has your best interests at heart. If you want to let your mom know how you feel without being disrespectful, maybe you should research some high schools in the area that maybe she will approve of. Find out what it is she wants from the school and see if you can find one that both of you can agree on.

  5. If she has the ability and patience, it is great.

    There is a lot of stuff going on in schools that parents don't like, but have to put up with because they can't homeschool.

    My youngest daughter hated school, well, she liked first grade.  I would have homeschooled her if I knew how to do it.  My oldest daughter liked school but she didn't have a lot of friends.

    You can get through the classes a lot faster on home school because they waste so much time going over the same stuff at public school.

    You can still hang out with your friends.

    There are groups for homeschoolers.  You can be in 4-H, church clubs, too.

    Your little brother should included in your mom's classes, that don't really seem fair to me either, since he really doesn't have relationships made with other kids yet.

    Just go along with what your mom wants to do and try to get the best education you can.  It will be with you the rest of your life, your friends won't.  I told my kids that and they didn't believe me, now they are out of school and have never seen their friends since they graduated.

  6. I'm a homeschooling mom of 3. I feel that if this is what you mom thinks is best then you should trust her. But I have never understood why some mom's keeps some kids out of school and have other children in school.

    We have a few homeschool groups in our town and my kids go to a co-op once a week where they go to classes with other homeschooled. They love it and they get to make friends and be in a small class room setting. Maybe your mom can find a group like this in your town.

    What I like about homeschooling my kids is I feel we are closer. I feel my kids get along better, I learn along with my children and we grow together as a family.

    Also as I tell my kids when they complain about having to "do school" on a day they want to be lazy I remind them that I don't have homeschool them. I do it because I want to. There are days I would LOVE to put the kids on a bus and have a quiet house to myself. I could send them to school, get a job and we could have nicer clothes, a nicer home and nice vacations. But I put all that aside to raise, teach and stay home with my kids.

    So you are you not alone in losing or missing your friends, fun and popularity. Your mom is giving up a lot too so she can do what is best for you. She is giving up her time, her life and herself for you. Do you understand that? She loves you and right now this is what she feels is best for you.

  7. I am being homeschooled this year. It is so much fun. I take online classes @ Oh and about your friends, you can see them on the weekend.

  8. i am homeschooling and was in public school for along time.  as long as you still have a bunch of friends like i do it doesnt matter

  9. some do very well home schooled at least they will be away from fights drugs gangs and even look at the school killings.

  10. sweeti, i used to homeschool, but I think she should take all of u out, not leave one in and take u girls out. She has the credentials to teach, I can't argue that, and I am glad she does!!! I homeschooled, and i got SOOOOOOOOOOOO much bull, that I was pressured to put mine in. Does the brother have a learning disability?? If so, your mom may decide to leave him in for the sake of his education...It may be challenged that she may not have the education to teach him, but has it to teach you girls. I know U will mis your buds, but your mom has your education at heart. i am all for homeschooling, and there are alot of social things a homeschooler has access to. I do not like the way school is going these days, too much violence ( my now 18 year old was threatened with a pistol, by a third grader, when we lived in SLC< Utah, and i took her out of school, for that very reason), I do believe u are in a good place. Friends are not the only reason t go to school. They are a part of it, but not the whole shebang. Try it for a bit, I think you may love it after a while!!!!!!!!!!! good luck, E.

  11. Home schooling is good if your mother really schools you.You still need socialization to learn how to deal with people. You`ll also get more one on one attention and will learn more,faster.

  12. Parents keep there children in home school as they think it will keep them away from evils of society,

    But they forget that the individual has to live in this society,Homeschooling does not provides with good social skills.

    So homeschooling is pointless

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