
My mom just died...?

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i don't know how to live anymore. what do i do... how can i feel good about myself.




  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad passed away a year and a half ago so I can sorta relate to what you're going through. I actually took a lot of time off of work, and ended up quitting my job. I was almost hospitalized for depression, and tried 3 different antidepressants before I found one that worked. If you're feeling so down that you don't want to live anymore, please go see your family doctor. They can help you. The only thing that will heal your heart is time, and even then you'll still feel the pain of losing her. Just try to remember that she would want you to live your life to the fullest. She wouldn't want you to agonize over her. And always remember that she's in heaven watching down on you, so make her proud.

  2. off the face of this beautiful earth thats sad feel like that song where it says "Don't worry be happy" : )  

  3. aww sweety i'm so sorry:[

    well your mom would want you to be happy so do your best in life and go for the things that you wanna achieve in life:)  

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss... and my heart goes out to you.....  I lost my mom just over a year ago.  It does get easier I hear, but the pain can be overwhelming at times.  I do find comfort in talking to her anyway.  I have a place in my yard that I go to and I just talk to her like she is there with me.  Sometimes at night when I am drifting off to sleep I talk to her then too.  Mom's are special people and believe me, she is still with you and will be every day of your life..... hang in there, time will help, and try to focus on the good stuff.  I love to remember how she would make me laugh about the dumbest stuff.

  5. im so sorry i know how you are feeling i lost my grandfather on july 26 and you just take one day at a time. i know it feels like your heart just jumped out of your body.  talk about your feelings or write them down. let them out or it will eat you alive. that is what going on with me. i have my good days and than i have my bad days. i would think about the good times that we had. and in time it will get easyer just keep on living even if it hurts your mom would want you to be happy and do your dreams she will always be with you no matter what. you might not see her and you might not get to touch her but she will always but in your heart and she is a part of you.  just take one day at a time and if you need to talk to someone i'm here because i know where you are coming from i have lost three people that were close to me this year so i know. I'm just email away and you can talk to me if you want. Talking about my feelings always helped me.  

  6. Oh..... I don't know what to say... i feel really sorry 4 your loss... stay strong and BELIEVE me she is there with u.. she sees you and wants to see u happy! It would be a good way if you stayed in her room alone, and start talking to her like she is there with u.. I am sure u will feel better.

  7. I'm am incredibly sorry for your loss.

    I'm sure your mom wants you to go out in life and be happy, and succeed in everything you do. Do it for her (:

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It is hardest,  the worst thing in the world to lose someone that is so important in your life. someone that was always there for you . You will make it through, you will always feel that loss , but you have to go on, for yourself and your family. I just lost my mom in April this yr. and 20 days later my Dad, than a month later my grandmother. Talk about feeling like you hate the world, and ask why, how?? I have 5 children that need me, and a husband , work, etc..... cherish the memories you have , look at pictures, home videos when your ready, thats what i do alot. my mom always , always was there for me and my kids, and we talked everyday and saw each other every other day. so involved in our life. it stinks but you will go on, you have too, unfortunately this is life. When I want to hear my moms voice and see her, I slip in the cd I videotaped her singing, and I love watching her. and miss her soo much. When I have my moms husband over for dinner and my sister, everyone  is together, and we have a good time. talk about how much we miss her, but she is in us , our heart, everything, and i know she would like to see us having a good time together, and especially having her husband in our life. God bless you and your family, it takes time, you will make it, try to be strong,.  

  9. HUGS!  I am sorry to hear about your mom.

    Let yourself grieve and feel all the things that you are feeling right now.  They are all normal.  Try to remember the good things and when you're really feeling low, bring up one of those memories and relive it in your mind.  Surround yourself by friends and family and the people that love you.  Don't stop doing the things you love to do but continue doing them.  Take walks to help clear your head and if you need to seek some counselling.  Sometimes it is hard to move forward after something traumatic has happened and there is no harm asking for some help in helping you cope.  I wish you well!  HUGS!


    do you think your mom would be happy to see you be sad or happy

    if you think your mom would be happy to see you happy then live for your mom

  11. okay i know how you feel.

    even though someone close has never died.

    but every night

    i have this pain that people hae when someone dies. cuz  i love my dad so much i think about what would it be like if he dies.

    it's really hard.

    and yeah u can cry there is nothing wrong with that,

    but just remember that she doesn't want you to stop living.

    she wants you to move on.

    and that she is always there.

    she is ur new guardien angel.

    she will be with u no matter what.

    alot of times i tell my mom what would happend if i dies.

    and she says i'd die too.

  12. IM SO SORRY about your mom.You will grieve for quite a while but the best way to continue to "live" is to get up in the morning and put one foot infront of the other and keep going. IM so sorry for your loss... you know you can come here to talk to us all any time you need to. God Bless you sweetie.

    ps... its okay to cry when you need to, let it out, its alright. but remember to dry your tears and pick yourself up and remember the GOOD times and remember she loved you and would want you to keep going on...

  13. Find a group online, go to your church if you have one, if not this may be a good time to look for one.

    Good luck sweetheart. I thankfully have not been in your shoes but my "sister" has. My sis was my best friend in middle school, when her mom died she came to live with us (no family at all).

    My heart goes out to you. I wish I had the right words. Again, good luck. God Bless.

  14. I am very sorry sorry for your loss! Just think, she is in a happy place with God, watching her beautiful daughter grow. Trust me, she is happy, and you want her to be happy, right? Never say you will never see her again, because you will! I promise you! Very soon, you will be holding her hand. Just pray and never stop thinking about her. Stay close to family members, thats the most important. They will help you, you cannot be alone at a time like this. I am very sorry, just think that you will see her again, she is just taken a vacation to somewhere that she always waned to go. Oh, and dont forget to talk to people! Never keep feelings inside!

    If you need someone to talk to, email me:

    Rest In Peace

  15. I am verry sorry for your loss.....R.I.P

    celebrate her life..dont be sounds impossible but go with ur friends and let them help you....go live....celebrate her life and if your sad....listen to some dancing music and just relax...Idk what else to tell you but if you want to talk email me....

  16. First of all, i'm so sorry to hear that.


    Next, How can you feel good about yourself?

    well, was she a good person?

    i bet she was,

    if so, you are her daughter! You are her living memory

    Just don't forget her, and remember that she lives in you, same hair color maybe? some little thing that she liked and you liked also?

    You don't have a reason NOT to feel good about yourself, it's not your fault. Things happen sweetie (:

    So just live on like your mom taught you to. Be nice and remember her wise words to you.

    She tried to build a better person in you. Now it's your job to become the Strong Woman that she wanted you to be (:


    hope i helped honey! and may she be resting up there somewhere with her little silver wings watching over you like she always did.
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