
My mom just got a call from a collection agency saying the are aressting me in 1 hour unless I pay 2500.00.?

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A collection agency called my mom saying they were a court clerk and If I did not come up with 2500.00 within the next 45 minutes the sheriff would pick me up, tow all the vehicles in my yard, and have my kids put in foster care.I have never been in trouble, the problem is an ex employer got a judgement against me in court for 2100.00 but I agreed to pay her when she finally paid my wages that she is holding. I am a single mom who just lost my child to brain cancer ,I live off my child tax cheque, I do not receive social assistance and I have no clue on what to do. I would love the 145 hours worth of wages and my holiday pay. She also took taxes ,ei and pension off my wages but did not submit it revenue canada has no record of me even working for her...HELP




  1. They can pick you up and put you in jail for that.  It happened to my husband over a credit card debt.  But they came and served him papers for a date to appear in court.  If we had it paid by that time, then they would drop the charges.  Which we had it paid and it was taken care of.  But in your case, I would find a lawyer that handled that and take them to court.  That is harassment and threatening and that is against the law.  It will go against her if you have proof on your check stubs (previous) that taxes were taken out and if there is any proof that what she owes you that you actually worked them.  So consult legal advise about the issue.

  2. They are just bluffing. These are stupid debt collectors with no professional trainging.

  3. Becca calm down, first

    If the paperwork is in order, your car can be repo'd

    I would tell this credit agency you are taping the call and will sue them for harrassment, which you can

    For 2,500, I doubt a collection wants the expense of legal costs

    Repo will be enough

  4. Well the best way would be to call the agency and ask for a arangement with them to pay it of, and if they have thretended you you can take them to court. they are not allowed to bully or intimidate you. Not quite sure in america but you should call your onbudsman for advice quice

  5. you live in canada?

    in the US they can't make idle threats like that however canada is alot different.

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