
My mom just got cut....question plz?

by  |  earlier

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she got cut from a peace of glass doing dishes ......and the cut is deep but its but at a angle so there would be no way to stich the cut up what should she do how should she treat it but its pretty deep




  1. super glue, a couple of butterflies or just tape it well for a couple of days

  2. put some antibiotic ointment on it and use a butterfly strip (like a band-aid)

  3. she can go to urgent care and they would use the liquid bandage depending on how deep it is,otherwise i agree about the butterfly strip,make sure she pulls the wound together with it so that it meets you know? that way, it will heal better and with minimum scarring

  4. Well, good for you that you care enough about your mom to ask the question and be so concerned about it for starters. First if it won't stop bleeding you guys should go to the doctor anyway. You would be surprised what they can fix sometimes. Like when I got kicked in the head/face by a horse, you can't tell anymore except for a small scar on my ear where they basically stitched it back on..yuck. Anyway if your mom is stubborn and does not want to go to the doctor then just be sure that she keeps it clean, cleaning it and applying antibiotic cream then using a butterfly type of bandaide will work just fine. Good luck and hope she feels better.

  5. how bad is it bleeding? clean it,  antibiotic, put a band aid on it and put it above her head, otherwise that pounding on it really hurts.

  6. glean it out really good  with peroxide then use SUPERGLUE to glue it shut....  yeah it sounds weird but that is what it was originally made for.... its used in the battle fields to close up wounds. Its sterile and works GREAT !!!  

  7. punch it  

  8. go to the hospital and have the doctor look at it. but for the meantime, you guy put some alcohol and some antibiotic to keep it from getting infected and then cover it with a band-aid.

  9. have her apply pressure and keep her cut above her heart so the blood doesn't pump as  fast to the cut. and once the bleeding slows down, apply a bandaid and make sure the heal is securely shut.  

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