
My mom keeps threatening my hair???

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my hair is shoulder lenght, kinda choppy and dark-ish brown. (it's naturally curly, but I straighten it for a few days in a row)Personally I love it! Especially my bangs, those are my pride and joy, but my mom doesn't agree =/

She hates how they're always in my face, especially when I try an occasional side-bang.

She says it's ugly and is always threatening to cut them. (She did this a few months back before I cut my hair shorter. They've finally grown back again.)

How do I convince her to let me wear the style I want??? (she also has a problem with my clothes, which is usually black but I've added some color. She still detests black though, and I can't get ANY of it. I can't help it if I like dark things but I do try to tone it down. I haven't been wearing spikes or zombie stuff D:)

I don't want to have to hide my hair from her anymore and I don't want her cutting it in my sleep. She's saying they'll be gone sometime this week and it's freaking me out!!! >.<




  1. wow, she must be schizo or something to cut your hair in your sleep. i mean i&#039;ve heard of parents disliking their childs style, but really, cutting hair in sleep? if your old enough move out, and that is only if you can get a job that will pay rent. otherwise, if possible move in with your dad. you could also install a lock on your door. go to walmart with your dad, a trusted adult and buy a lock you can install on your rooms door. when she&#039;s out, put it in, and when you go to sleep lock it, so she cant cut your hair. be out of the house as much as possible too. good luck, this situation sounds tough, but hang on. hope i helped =)

  2. She&#039;ll cut your hair when you sleep?  What is the matter with her?  That is beyond crazy.  Put something by your door that will make a noise when you go to bed so you&#039;ll wake up if she sneaks in!

    Can you speak to your dad or another relative about your mom&#039;s crazy behavior?  It&#039;s one thing to argue about fashion it&#039;s another to cut your hair when you are sleeping!!  Perhaps you can just put a barette to keep your bangs back when you are around your mom?

    Do you have an option of going to your father&#039;s place?  Maybe just threatening to do that will make her back down?

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