
My mom knows everything!?

by  |  earlier

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i am a triplet and my mom recently got us all new computers but she was sneaky and looked at everything that we ever sent on the computer. it really stinks because we all have are own computers and we all have sent something about each other. we get knew computers every year but this year we did a lot of **** and its so wierd that she and my dad know everything. please some help me figure out what to do. tomorrow we are ll going to talk about it and i dont know what to do i mean she knows every party we went to and what we have all done with either guys (for me and my sister) or girls (for my brother) and wen we got drunk and lied to them and i mean everything!!!!




  1. well...parents are parents and they are over-protective and they always look into their kids buisness. I mean i  hate it, but when ur parents can trust u well enough, then they won't get into ur buisness, but don't lie about the drinking and whatever else u did. Everyone drinks, goes to parties, have fun

    even ur parents did probably when they were ur age

    so don't worry

    dont lie though

  2. deny everything about it lol

  3. tell them it hurts your feelings, that instead of asking you about your life they snooped? ask them what the problems are that they feel they cannot have a sensible relationship with you? do they realize how hard it will be to trust them now that they have snooped? mantyain your calm do not act angry or yell. be mature.

  4. woah this happened to me too my bro showed my mom a video of me talking to my best friend about "experinces" and my dad recorded phone calls but i usally tried to turn it around and ask why no one would give me my own space and that its rude to spy and damages the relationship pretty much the guilt factor but just say that ur experinciing  life because you reallise that its not all rainbows and butterflies and youve learnd alot from them and at least hopefully ur disease and baby free

  5. RUN, GIRL, RUN!  No, I'm just kidding.  You're screwed.

  6. That sucks ALOT. Try deleting stuff on your computer or find a way to get out of talking to them tomorrow until you can think of a way to get out of it. For example, try and pretend your sick then they won't mess with you tomorrow.

    Oh yeah you could also say you sent messages like that to your friends to try and fit in with them or something.

  7. My dad is an computer whiz - it's his job. I went to his house and hoped on myspace, and he points at a black box by my feet, the computer, and goes - see that? It traces everything you type. I freaked but smiled and said um, alright. This was months ago and I had writed bad things on the cpmputer, mostly party plans and drinking stories, and he has never come to me - so yes, it can most likely be a load of bullshit!(: But still... be careful.

  8. go get a linux live-cd. try this one:

  9. just get REALLY pissed off at them about invading your privacy

    tell both of your siblings to do the same thing

    they might forget about about the other stuff if they have 3 kids thrwoing a huge fit all at once lmfao

  10. either

    1.ur mum got spy

    2.ur mum check on u everytime

    3.ur mum follow u guys

  11. Dude, I'm sorry, that sucks a lot. Just be lucky you don't have my parents and grandparents. They hacked my Myspace and read everything. Then, they didn't have a "set time" to "talk" about it. They showed up, 2 car loads of my family, in public, WHILE I was with my friends, and got out of the car screaming and making a huge seen. Talk about publicly humiliating someone. I WISH my parents were like yours. Just tell the truth... thats all I have.

    I hope my story made you feel better. (:

  12. thts messed up!

    do u delete the history frm ur comp??

    did they act difrnt when u came home frm the party or did they act like they didnt have a clue u went there?

    maybe theyre lieung just to make u confess or somethin good luck!

  13. Wow, that really sucks! I would just tell them that you are really sorry, and that you apologize. Sorry.... I know I am not much help...

  14. They prolly have keyloggers on the computers. It doesn't matter if you delete your history, they'll still know everything you type. The only solution is to boot into a live linux CD, such as Ubuntu.

  15. You will get in more trouble if you lie to them so just tell them the truth. They will probably be relieved if you handle the situation honestly and like a mature adult.

  16. Everything in life has a price.  Go into a store and you can have all that you desire, if you are prepared and able to pay for it.

    Your ability to own and to freely use your computer came at a price: your parents have unfettered access to all of your previous computer communications.  And, they got a glimpse of what you and your siblings are up to.

    Bottom line: you are free to do as you wish.  The question is, are you prepared to pay for what you do?  Judging by your reaction, you are not.

  17. Wow new computers every year, you guys are lucky my computer is 6 years old.

  18. Just tell the truth and how sorry you are.  That's the only way she'll really forgive you. Oh and for future reference,  never put anything in writing or email that you don't want anybody to see!!!  Because if you do, most likely the person you don't want reading it will read it...

    Good luck!!!!

  19. DONT LIE!!! Tell her the honest truth, and if she starts freaking out and stuff, ask her what naughty things she did when she was ur age. Works every time, lol. I hope u and you bro and sis don't get in trouble!

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