
My mom likes my little sister better than me... please HELP!?

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I'm 13 years old in 8th grade and my little sister is 10 years old in 5th grade. I honestly feel like she likes my little siter more because she never makes me a snack when we get home (she always make my sister food but not me usually), she ignores me when I try to talk to her about something (and believe me its not like im asking immaturely, but she is always there for my little sister), she gives my sister like everything she wants even though she is a spoiled little brat who will start whining/crying if we dont buy her something in the mall, she always takes out all her anger at me even though I have better grades, I clean my own room, make my own bed, and hardly ask for anything! I've tried to talk to her, and I've even resorted to writing a letter to her before about pervious issues but she just got angrier at me! She barely talks to me now and all she does is ignore me. :'( Please help me, I'm crying everyday now and I try to hang in there but its not easy!




  1. :'(:'(:'( that is so so so so sad!!!!! idk no what to tell you but... im there to talk if you need anyone! just email me! maybe talking to someone will help you come up with something

  2. Wow. That is a difficult situation that you are in. I would say try talking to your mom but it seems like you already have. No matter what remember she is your mother and I am sure she loves you somewhere.. but wow. Anyway.. Try to look at all the good times you have together, try to look at all she has done for you. Try to be there for her and try to show her you need her to be there for you. If all else fails while you are in school go talk to your guidance counselour about the situation. I know you may be scared but you need to tell someone how you are feeling. If you don't get your feelings out in the open it will follow you for the rest of your life. Please stay strong, keep your head up, and seek out the advice of someone that you trust. Sometimes life is not easy but I believe you are strong enough to be OK. I wish you the best of luck and I hope I helped in some small way at least.

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