
My mom likes my tennis coach?

by  |  earlier

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ok i play tennis and i think my coach is really hot (at least i did) untill my mom started dating him so what do i do




  1. Tag team. Judging from this guy's profession, the dude has probably never seen this kind of action. You'll be doing him a favor while spending some quality time with your mom. It'll be great!

  2. tennis owns!!

  3. Tell her it bothers you. but not by like yelling. ask her how she would feel if she were in your situation :)


  4. mebbe she's in luv?  

  5. Um...IDK, if he makes you uncomfortable while you're mom is around, do your homework or do something you need to do to get away from them--but, this is a LAST RESORT. you should tell your mom if you're uncomfortable with this sitch, and if you're not....well, why are you asking this question? But you should work toward to accepting the fact that they're dating. Think about this: your mom is happy to be with a guy. Aren't you happy whenever you have a BF or a guy who likes you ( that you like back---how wonderful is that?) Plus, Ashton Kutcher marrried a woman probably older than your mom--doesn't mean he's not hot, so why wouldn't your tennis coach still be hot? ;D

  6. I'm thinking his age is probably closer to your mom's than yours. Try to get over him as best you can.

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