
My mom loves me, but wishes i was more girly, so i wrote a poem..any advice- much appreciated. not for mo day?

by  |  earlier

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wenty six years, pass in a blink,

I became a different woman than you’d like to think.

I know your embarrassed, to hear my stories,

the games, wins and losses, and all those glories.

I know you hate when people ask,

No boyfriend or child, so you’re forced to use a mask,

And pretend your ok, with the child you raised,

The one you always loved and constantly praised.

Just wished was different, and more like yourself,

Married off with children, filling pictures on your shelf.

So I’m sorry I don’t share, what’s important to me,

But its because I’m not, who you want me to be.

Listening, writing and constantly learning,

Traveling the world, and never yearning,

To be true to myself and doing what’s right,

Despite your words, and constant fight.

To continue living through inspiration,

New conversation and deep contemplation.

The things that I love cannot be bought,

It’s the unconditional love that is constantly sought.

So how much do I mean to you

If my foot is in the wrong type of shoe,

If I’m the only girl playing on the team of guys,

If I don’t wear the shadow on my eyes,

If I only wear the bridesmaid dress,

Or never hold my own baby,

would you think any less?

How much do I mean to you

If what I’m telling you is all true.

If what makes me smile is not what you think,

And 26 years pass, without another blink.





  1. Well, your poem does seem to describe yourself as being more of a tomboy than a girly girl(good poem by the way). I'd say, that your mother really wanted to have a girl before you were born, and you were that girl she was after, except that you seem to act more like a guy. Just ask your mother if she loves you, and I'm certain the answer is going to be yes. If your mother truly loves you, as I'm sure she would, she will be able to accept who you are.(But maybe you could compromise and act a little more girlish every now and then) I hope i helped, all best to you and your mother.

  2. Wow, that was an amazing poem. You seem like an awesome person and your mom doesn't realize how good she's got it. be yourself. enjoy life. :) I would definitely give it to her for mothers day!

  3. amazing!!!

    My mum wishes I was more girly& like her too! lol

    This poem is like soooo good.

    You should give it to her :) See what her reaction is,and see what she says.

    But seriously w-o-w!

  4. I know how that feels.  My parents wanted me to be more girly too .. I was always one of the boys.. My dad even asked me once if I was a L*****n .  There's nothin' wrong with being a L*****n at all, but I'm not one so I was like wtf dad?!  Anyways, don't worry about it so much... be who you are, who you feel comfortable being.  I'm more girly now than I was back in high school, but I don't think that's important.  What's important is how you can make a difference in this world, living in harmony with nature and others.

  5. wow u sud become a poet, its beautiful :)

  6. Did you say you wrote it?  It's beautiful.  I hope that your mother accepts you for the person you are and not the person she wants you to be.

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