
My mom might go to a mental institution? :(

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My mom had a weird-bad childhood which still comes back[the memories] sometimes nowadays. She's been suffering from a lot of headaches too. Anyways, she and my dad divorced a few years ago[they don't hate each other though, they still talk and stuff], one week me and my sister are with my mom, the next week, my dad.

Anyways, lately my mom has been extremely stressed out mostly because of work, childhood things[but i'm sure she's always had some stress because of her childhood], and me and my sister.

My mom takes naps often because of her frequent headaches, and when it's her week for us to be at her house, my sister is usually doing something she shouldn't be doing. So I just tell her not to do that, and I try helping her with her homework, help her with anything she needs, but most of the time my sister just gets mad for no reason and starts screaming. So I tell her to be quiet since my mom is sleeping and stuff, but that just makes her more angry and she goes slamming all the doors. So then my mom gets pissed at both of us, etc...

Anyways, another off-topic-ish note: I suffer from constant nightmares, insomnia[but i'm not sure if it counts as being called insomnia since i don't get it ALL the time, only 5 times a month], but when i do get insomnia it's usually onset insomnia[difficulty falling asleep].

BUT when I CAN go to sleep, I usually wake up in the middle of the night, or really early in the morning and find it impossible to go back to sleep. But strangely, I find it easier to go to sleep if I cry myself to sleep or the like. I'm also scared of just about anything, and that makes it difficult for me to go to sleep too.

So last night I was trying to go to sleep[and that night I was having a small insomnia case, but I heard a growling noise, not a dogs though... I don't know... So I asked my sister if she had been watching TV, etc or if she had also heard the noise. But she just got annoyed and shoved me, and then she slammed the door. Well that night my mom was having a really bad headache so my mom yelled at the both of us and told us that we were making her stress worse and if we kept acting up she might go to a mental institution for a few months. I don't know if she was kidding just to have us stop making noise, or if she was being serious. I think it was a bit of both though...

Anyways, what can I do!?!?! I don't want her to go to a mental institution... :(




  1. I'm sorry girl, but it might be best if she is there for a few months. She'll get the help she needs and will feel much better. It might be hard, but when she comes back things will be a lot more normal around your home. Don't feel guilty- this isn't your fault. Bad memories just can do crazy things to a person. Good luck!

    Love Haleigh<3

  2. Their are logical steps one can take before they check into an institution.  First see a therapist (must have psychology degree, not just a counceling degree).  Get a referrall from your therapist to see a psychiatrist that can prescribe drugs.  Most towns have a state subsidized program for therapists and Doctors and are much cheaper than seeing someone with private practice. You should go because of your sleeplessness and stress.  And your Mom should go for obvious reasons.  You should tell your therapist about your, moms activities so he/she gets to know her better.

  3. its very obvious that you love your mom very much.  

    the first thing  you need to realize is that this is not  your fault.  its not your sisters fault.  i think your sister is just acting out because she is angry and frustrated and does not know how to deal with the situation of your mother being ill.  don't be mad at her.

    your mom does need to get some help sweetheart.  a "mental institution" is not a bad place.  she can get counseling and support to help her feel better and when she feels better, i promise, things will get easier for you and your sister.

    why don't you try talking to your dad and see if he can help her find a professional to help her.  

    as far as you not sleeping, you need to try and relax.  take a warm bath and keep telling yourself that things are going to get better.  stay positive and try not to worry.

    good luck and stay strong

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