
My mom moved away when i was 3 and im so sad

by  |  earlier

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she moved away to toronto and I'm just SO sad for so many years i missed her and for SO many years i feel bad and I'm just asking everyone please just help me and the pain hasent gone away at all I'm just SO sad every time i think about it i cry and my brother makes me even more sad, he says shes a scammer and i just feel so sad about it, so just please, help




  1. Here's the reality  -  you don't really  remember your mother.  What you remember is what you wish she was like -  An ideal that doesn't really exist.   It is very unfortunate you have had to grow up without your mother, but lots of people do it.  My advice is to go volunteer at a homeless shelter, or an old folks home, or anywhere that you can help others.  This will help take your mind off the situation and will also let you meet more people and find purpose in life.   Remember you can turn this adversity into a positive for yourself and others.  Good luck.  

  2. I really understand what do you feel.My mom let me there too.She comes here to the United Stetes and leaves us  alone without father nor any adult with us.My 2 sisters,3 brothers and I, lived alone.Worse of all I had to take care of them.I was just 11.Felt so sad,nobody see me whe I was sick.She didn't even went to my graduation of Teacher.But she requested me to migration.Now I'm here eventhough I don't live with her I don't feel resentment toward her. .For any special reason she did what she did.So I advice you try not to be so sad.You are not the only one who are in this situation.The life stayed on  course.One day you are going see her.Both of you are going to have the enough time to talk and be happy.

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