
My mom only believes my little brother and not me.?

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my mom only believes my little brother what do i do?





  1. When he is sleeping p**s in his bed and tease him as a "bed-wetter". Also, ever so gently, wipe your *** with his underwear........enough to leave **** streaks but, only when he's put them in the dirty pile. Your parents will be ashamed of him and even though they'll believe him over you, you will feel much better after doing these things.

  2. MY advice to you is: PROVE HER WRONG. show her that you're capable of being trusted. She knows deep inside that she can it's just that you need to prove it to her.

  3. youve obviously lied about something. you'll need to rebuild her trust.

  4. thats because you beat him with bags full of leprechauns

  5. Deal with it

    I do.

    Only she listens to my older brother and sister

    and likes them...

  6. Well if you're lying, maybe it's best she believe your brother. But if you told the truth, and your brother lied, and its completely not fair. But you actually need a story behind this situation. Otherwise, no one will get your point.

  7. kill your little brother. obviously hes a dousche and i wish somone i knew would kill his brother so that he would leave but o well

  8. believes What be more specific

  9. I don't think she ONLY believes your brother, but it is true that the youunger siblings get babied more and parents are tougher on the oldest kid. Sorry, but that's life.

  10. That is because the younger ones tend to be more truthful... once you reach a certain age, you learn how to lie and conceal things... don't worry, I'm sure when your little brother reaches lying age, she won't believe either one of you...  

  11. about what?

    maybe you shouldn't lie so much... then your mother would believe you.

  12. well maybe she only believes him because you may lie alot.

  13. its just her baby. she probably think all little kids are all ""truthfull"" and c**p but they aintt.cause im the littlest of 7 kids and they have gottn in trouble a lot of time cuz of me

  14. You will be judged by the actions you take in life.  However, you will be judged by the company you keep hangn with your brother.  

  15. Start with being more truthful yourself...It seems that somehow/somewhere you've betrayed your mom's trust and that's not a good thing.  You need to tell the truth and try to rectify the situation.  PEACE & GOOD LUCK!

  16. My mum only shouts at me (little brother) and never at my older sisters. Even when they punch me/ Swear at me/ p**s me off in general. The world is a *****, and you only have a maximum of 18 years of injustice untill you can leave. So get over it, there are people out there with 100x worse problems than you or me, so I think of myself as lucky.

  17. i suggest you speaking to your mom about it not when your in a heated argument but when you guys are sitting around doing nothing just tell her you would like to talk. tell her that you will try your best to change her mind about her trust in you if she promises to give you the benefit of the doubt more often

  18. Gain trust- my sister is the biggest lyer ever! Listen to this: I wouldn't let her go over her friend's house because my mom told me don't let her leave while I was baby sitting her so she went crying next door and told my neighbor I tried to kill her and tied a rope around her neck!

  19. ummm be a suck up for like a week do alot of house work an get along with everybody

  20. I have one question. Do you have a history of lying a lot? If so, that's probably why your mom only believes your little brother. You need to start being honest with your parents to get that trust back. Talk with your mom about how you feel. I'm sure she'd be open to what you have to say and how you feel. Good luck kiddo. :)

  21. Mention to her that this bothers you and that even though you may lie sometimes, so does your brother. If you don't feel comfortable telling her face to face, write her a letter. Sometimes parents listen better when in writing. Good luck to you:)

  22. why is that ? do you often lie?

    if not then make sure you tell her what happened in a clam and collected voice and then she might believe you.

  23. gain her trust. dont lie. catch him lieing.

  24. it's life.

  25. i hate that

    shes only taking his side cuz she still belives hes a little innocent child but hes not! haha

    all you have to do is show her some how that hes being the little pest he is  

  26. ask  here  why

  27. every mom believes the LITTLE brother :D

    just because .. he is younger :]

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