I'm 16 years old almost 17. My dad has CHF and is always in the hospital (he went back into the hospital 2 days ago and is still there), and he cant have stress. Today my mom asked me to mow the lawn, so I went out and mowed half of it. She was outside sitting and after I got done mowing half, I said there you can do the rest. She just sits there and doesnt say nothing. I then tell her to mow it again. Then she goes inside and yells for my brother to come out and do it. He then yells and doesnt want to do it because he was watching a show. She then comes back out and sits down and smokes. I said are you gonna do it or not. She doesnt reply or nothing and sits there. Then she gets up and as she was walking away she goes, "ill get your aunt to come over and mow it." Afterwards I follow in behind her and she calls my aunt up to tell her about my dad and his test he had today at the hospital. After my aunt and mom got done talking, my mom made sure she hung up and says "do the lawn, yeah I can put on coffee or something". Afterwards my mom starts lashing out about how lazy I am and that my brother always takes out the trash and goes on and on playing games. Talks about how my dad is in debt because hes always buying me things. Which he does but I cant help that. She then calls my dad up at the hospital and completly exaggerates and says "THOMAS WONT FINISH THE LAWN, I called kathy up and told her to come over" he then says "I cant take this he better mow it". My mom hangs up and says "HE CANNOT HAVE STRESS RYAN" "KATH SAID YOUR NOT GOING TO KILL HER BROTHER" (kathy is my aunt)
I remember I would be teasing my mom sometimes or just messing around with her and she will come out to my dad and act all pissed off just to get him worried and upset. She would sometimes scream or pound on the wall to make him get angry. She plays games like this all the time.. my dad says shes played them. Hes very wise to her, she even tries to get him pissed off without involving me. She gets him all worked up and she'll walk away and come back 10 minutes later and try to "joke'' by kissing my dad or teasing him trying to make him laugh. I cant stand her, shes like facking mental! She brings up about how I dropped out of school. I couldnt help it because I have social anxiety and she doesnt believe it. She always throws it up because I never go out in public and be around people, she claims im "scared" or other people which im not because I Know how I feel.
I had my mind set of what i'm going to do this fall. I wanted to get a part time job somewhere to help my parents out around the house. And then go to nightschool to study and get my GED hopefully then go to college. But everytime she does this and gets me upset, I get confused and my dreams completely vanish until my confidence rises again. I have like everything planned out in my mind but I dont tell my parents about it.
She even talks to my Aunt about me. And my aunt will talk like she knows everything and im sure my mom exaggerates alot. My dad told my mom he doesnt want her telling everybody our business. I even hate going to get togethers at my aunts house because I feel like ive been talked about negative. Sometimes I didnt even go over at christmas get togethers because of this. I just want to move out and away from my mom ASAP and start my life over somewhere far away and never speak to my mom again. I feel like i'm growing up but my mom always makes harsh hateful comments and then laughs it off. She will go to her friends house and come home and tell my dad everything that happened and then she will call her other friends and tell them everything about what happened at her other friends while she was there. Her friends arent smart neither, its like she fears people who might be smarter than her. She wants to feel like shes the smart one, all her friends are like retarded or kinda slow. She used to tell her friends about everything that happened in our house but stopped. I just cant take it nomore! She plays games constantly. She one time got mad at my dad and argued and took a whole bottle of aspirin and had them in her mouth, my dad had to pull them out before she swallowed them, she got really goofy. She was supposed to go to a physciatrist along time ago but never went. Sometimes she can be the sweestest woman, and then she turns really mean or plays mind games with you.