
My mom punches me and kicks me for very stupid purposes like not makeing my bed or some thing like plz help?

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also she screams at me and does other things like pulls my hair slaps me pushes me against walls and grabes my neck and pushes me when this is happening theres a voice in my head that tells me its ok dont cry its going to be ok and it tells me to tell people about what happens to me but i am scared to am i going craazy ? plzz help me =[




  1. please talk to somebody about this, a counselor, family member or someone you can TRUST because u need to get out of this.

    take care!!!

  2. You need to tell your school councelor, your dad, grandparents, a close friend or their parent if you feel comfortable with that. Your mom shouldnt be doing that

  3. That is not Ok, You don't deserve to be treated like that by anyone.

    If you can and i know it will be hard try and talk to someone like a teacher, friend or a child helpline.

    This is abuse and you need to make it stop and only you can do that.

    I don't know how old you are but you can do this, remember this is not your fault, your mother is in the wrong here not you.

    I wish you all the luck in the world and i will be thinking of you.

  4. You should tell people. My mom used to do the same and worse to me and my siblings. One of them didn't survive it. We were afraid to say anything because she threatened us with worse if we did. Plus she acted all nice to other people and said that they wouldn't believe us if we told them, and that they would tell her what we had said. We believed her out of fear.

  5. i would call the cops. seriously. i would be scared to death but they can help.

  6. well, the first thing you need to do is call child services, or the police. If you are scared to do it in the house, go out with your friends and use a pay phone or your mobile. Or you can do it at school but if school starts next week, go with the friend plan. You dont have to tell anybody but thats what you gotta do, or it will ruin your whole life. And it is proven children/teens, who are hit will do that to their children, thinking its ok! I saw that you think its fine, but it is NOT!!!! call now if you can!!

  7. Oh my goodness you poor thing! Do not let this happen anymore! This is child abuse. Your mom needs some major counseling and so do you or this behavior could be passed down to your children someday. Confront her when she is not angry-tell her you want to go to counseling together. How old are you? Are there any relatives you go live with-or friends?

  8. If your mom is really doing everything you say she is doing, it is not right.  Tell someone what she is doing to you immediately and tell them now.  Is there a family member you could tell and can trust.  You didn't mention how old you are.  The main thing is that you must get your mom help and yourself help.  If you don't want to tell a family member do you have a close friend you can tell?  The important thing to do if she is doing this all the time is to tell someone.

  9. Ok, so by saying that your mom treats you like this for "stupid purposes" are you trying to tell us that there might be a smart purpose for all of this?

    I highly recommend that you start listening to your inner voice. There are people who will listen to you & will care, so don't be afraid.

    No matter how bad you are at making your bed, no one deserves to be treated like this by a parent.

  10. i think you should try to talk to your mother about this when she cool down, don't try to ask her this if she is still in a bad mood. Just ask her, "why do u always use violence on me?". If it doesn't works u have to report to police or any social groups that helps on child abuse as this is physical and mental abuse in my opinion.

  11. for one if some one especialy your mom does that to you.....TELL SOMEONE from all the c**p im hearing today im getting sorta depressed with all the stories but im not trying to act rude.... just .... you should know to tell some one i mean if she hurts you like that and you dont do anything about it... it'll just get worse...

  12. I think in your situation you should get in touch with your local police authority, give them your details and ask them to contact your local child protection agency. Don't be scared to tell them you need to convince yourself that you DO NOT deserve any of it and that whatever happens to her, she deserves.

    Good luck, I hope this helps :)

  13. i agree this is child abuse, no real mother should want to harm their child a mother protects i do id die for my child, she does not deserve the right to be a mother she is an abuser and u must be in turmiol u poor thing please call the police please and they will take care of you put u with a foster family or if your over 18 they will give you other options. you can find out what to do and numbers to call through the internet,type in child abuse and see what your options are. please take care and do something fast you dont deserve that. bless u.x

  14. You need to tell someone what she is doing. You shouldnt have to put up with that. You need to get away from her. And it sounds like she needs some help with dealing with her anger. I hope you get out of that bad situation. Goodluck.

  15. call the police or tell a school counselor or get counseling with ya wishes..

  16. get ur mom some help hun call child services or something or a family member just get away from ur mom if she really is abusing you

  17. you should tell someone, this isn't normal

    tell someone you trust and ask them for help

    or ring one of the childline services, this could be classed as child abuse  

  18. Look you need to tell.

    I know you love you mother but if this is really happening you need to get you and her help.

    Please for your own good tell someone.

    Good Luck!!

  19. It's not ok, and it's very sad, I went through it and worse growing up. You need to tell someone who can help you get out of that house. I moved in with family. She needs help, and I know you may not want to do it, but you need to report this to the authorities. It's crossed the lines of discipline into serious abuse. She needs serious help before she really hurts or kills you or someone else in your family. I know it is scary and you may feel guilty if she gets into trouble, but you deserve to be safe, honey. You have rights, my mom strangle me when I was 15, used to slap me across the face, throw me across the room, call me names, scream at me, beat me with anything she could get a hold of. If you don't do it yourself, talk to a crises abuse hotline and they can help you. Don't feel guilty for saving your own life. No one has the right to abuse anyone like that! A spanking is one thing, but that's not spanking! I will pray for you and your family! I hope God sends you some angels to watch over you until you get this resolved. Please get out of that house and stay with someone who cares for you. You may be able to get a restraining order, look into it once you're safely out of the home, or she is removed from the home.

  20. thats mean, ask her why she is so angry. if all else fails, hit and kick her back or stay with friends or relatives. "or talk to an adult you trust" blah blah

  21. how old are you?

    i think this is considerd child abuse, you really need to get help.

  22. you need help. Tell another adult, cause your mom is abusing you, and thats not ok. you need help right away before she seriously hurts you.  

  23. Sweetie you need to report this to the police. Is there a school counselor or a teacher that you trust? You need to tell someone that you trust, what your mom is doing to you is wrong, and it's considered child abuse. Please, please tell someone and get help.  

  24. How old are you, love? If legally a minor, this is serious child abuse. Try speaking to a guidance counselor at school, or call the child abuse hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD. As to the voice in your head, our minds and souls have ways of dealing with serious trauma. It may be a coping mechanism developed by your brain, or it may be the soothing voice of the Lord. :). You are not crazy, you are just in a bad situation. Good luck with everything, honey, and God bless!

  25. I don't know how old you are but you need to tell someone about this NOW; that is abuse and it is WRONG, your mother should NEVER EVER EVER KICK you, my God, that is so wrong! Tell an adult you trust and see if you can move out and go live with a friend or another family member. You should not be around your mother at all she is sick and needs help.

  26. An answer to your important question.

    Please call with any problem, anytime:

    Girls and Boys Town "National Hotline"

    Phone: 1-800-448-3000.  (toll free)


  27. depending on if your still at school tell a teacher or some one you can trust. you need to tell people you should not have to put up with this

  28. She is doing child abuse.Call 911 now.Or ask your friend for you to sleepover for a while.A sign of child needed help..Call at your friends house.I hope that helps!=[good luck!

  29. 1st thing 1st. Take a moment to tell you there is help out there. And you are not the only one going through this.

    There are many resources out there for you to talk to someone about this.  I know you probably don't want to say anything because you don't want to get her into trouble.  I can feel you there.

    You might not even think you can sit her down and talk to her about it.  However, take some time right it down on what you think is going on with your mother.  Like, why is she so anger?  Did she go through this as a child?  Are her parents like this?  Is she in an abusive relationship with someone? Or finically in trouble? IS she using drugs or drinking too much?

    You see there is always a reason why we get angry. Take a look further into this. Once you figured it out. Then check out the Internet to try and find out coping skills on how to deal with this.

    If you think she is willing to listen to you. Sit her down and talk to her. Ask her why does she do those things?  Let her know that she is really hurting you.

    If you can't then its time to call a professional or someone parent who can maybe help.  I know I know you kids now days don't want to talk with another kid’s parents, but it works.  You also can try and find out your insurance information and call to speak with a counselor.  They are not all that bad you know.

    There is reasonable punishment for not cleaning your room or not doing you homework.  However, physically violence it not one of them.

    If you ever need someone to listen, I'm here

  30. I know this is probably what you don't want to hear but my advice would be these two things

    1) try talking to your mom and telling her how you feel when this happens

    2) seek some more professional help.I could see a slightly more severe punishment for a big thing but that reaction for not making your bed is NOT GOOD. you need to talk to someone it sounds like abuse to me . Go to another adult in the family or a counselor at school or a teacher or look online for an abuse hot-line or something =( i wish i could help more good luck hun! i'll pray for you !

  31. You mother is abusing you and she should be reported.  Talk to your school counselor, the child abuse center or call 911.  If there are any bruises on you, take pictures of them or have a friend do it.

    There is no reason for you to live like this.  It is not normal.  Something is very wrong with your mother and she needs help. The only way she will receive the help that she needs is for you to report abuse to the authorities by dialing 911, or to the child abuse center.

    Don't wait, if you have bruises on you now, call someone.  

    Good luck,

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