
My mom recently passed away, what should i tell my 3 year old brother when he askes where mommy is?

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My mom recently passed away, what should i tell my 3 year old brother when he askes where mommy is?




  1. im really sorry to hear about your loss, but count your blessings knowing that you still have a little brother :), it depends on your religous beliefs, if you believe she is in heaven than thats what you need to tell him...if you dont believe in an after life you just need to tell him that mommy had to go away and she will not be back, but you will always be there for him no matter what

  2. the best thing to do is just tell him that shes with God, in a better place and really happy and that shes keeping a close eye on you very sorry for your loss. Hope i helped some

  3. I am sorry to hear about that.  But for your brother, you will have to explain it to him on his terms.  Just tell him that mommy went on a vacation to another place because her body was tired.  Gosh, that is a tough situation.  Best wishes to you.  :(

  4. i am so sorry about your loss.Tell him mommy is in heaven and has to go there you will see her someday. then pre-occupy him he wont fully understand it untill later

  5. Only you can answer that question.

  6. She went to Heaven and is watching down over us (if you believe in Heaven.)  He can't really understand the idea yet but it will help, and later he will figure things out and will probably want to talk more.

  7. Im a sorry. Well tell him the truth. Tell him that mom is whacing from above. Or something like that. Again im sorry

  8. Mommy went to heaven.  She is an angel and is looking after us and keeping us safe.  If you miss her, close your eyes and you will feel her in your heart.  You can also send her drawings, letters, etc by taping them to helium balloons and "mailing them" to heaven.

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