
My mom recently saw me completely naked and I can't get over it?

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I'm 22 years old and I'm back home from college for the summer. 2 days ago I was using the shower. The thought I was the only one home at the time because my mom usually doesn't get off work for another few hours. I didn't have a towel in the bathroom and since I thought no one was around I'd just make a quick dash into my room which was down the hall. I proceeded and with my room only a few yards away, I saw my mom walking up the stairs towards me. She saw everything. My mom had not seen my privates since I got out of diapers. The sad thing is they have not grown much since and now I have to live with the fact that my mom knows how small my privates are. I have not spoken a complete sentence to her since. What would your reaction be if you saw your grown son's privates? I bet my mom is traumatized.




  1. I think you should talk to her about it. Moms, being women, actually know a lot more about men's privates than you think. And I know she isn't traumatized.

    Get over it. Walk in naked the next time your mom is taking a shower and have a look at her. They way you will be "even", and since you will be naked also, she won't feel at a disadvantage. Trust me - this always works in your situation.

  2. wow. thats funny. well your 22. its not like your a teen. and its only for the summer. to get over it just talk with your mom, and laugh about it. also i learned in school that when your stressed out about something its good to work out, and excersize. and your mom saw you when your c**k was normal. maybe its bigger when your horny.

  3. I bet you're more traumatized.

  4. Well first are you female or male. If female she can get over it because you had a reason. Of course if your a mals she would be tramatized because who wants to see that lol. She is your mom she will understand. i could see if you were a stranger. hope you feel better.

  5. um shes your mom- shes not interested in the size of your d**k. get over it, boys take after their dads and she knows what your dad looks like. besides she gave birth to you

    i wouldnt be looking...

  6. Well for one shes your mom...ya your 22 and probably embarrassed but get over it everybody has the same parts (well 90% of us anyways) Guys have penises and girls have v****a's so your mom saw your p***s its not like its the first one shes seen....obviously if she conceived you.  So yous is small who cares its just a p***s sorry but its a body part get over it who cares if you don't feel embarrassed then she will just blow it off too let it go best advice.....or blow it off like with a joke thats always good. all in all who cares!

  7. First, please, calm down.  You're making way too much of the incident.  It was a, completely innocent, accident, and no big deal.  Everybody's naked under their clothes, you know.

    As the mother of two grown sons, let me assure you, your mom couldn't care less about the size of your privates, as long as you are normal and healthy.

    For that matter, neither will most of the girls you'll meet, and date.

    When two people truly love each other, the physical imperfections of one another become very, very unimportant! As you get a little older, and have fully (not just sexually)developed relationships with women, you will become more confident in who you are on the inside. And that's the only part that really matters.

    And when you start to think about marriage, just remember, it's her mind you'll be marrying...that the part that counts!

    As for your mom, you really ought to start talking to her again. She's probably waiting for you to speak first, because she know's you're embarrassed about what happened, and is giving you the time you need to deal with it.  Just remember, she loves you very much, and then, non-chalantly ask her what's for dinner tonight, or what her favorite song is, or even whether she's seen your favorite cd (tee-shirt, book, tennis shoes, etc.). The point is you need to re-connect with your mom,  The longer you wait the more difficult it will become.

    In short, just get over it!  It is, so seriously, no big deal...but your relationship with your mom is!

  8. Seems you are more traumatized than she is.  Remember, she changed your diaper and has seen it a million times.  Most women know that cold/warm has a lot to do with size so I doubt even if she saw that she would jump to that conclusion.  

    Just ignore it and make sure your towel is in the bathroom or you announce when you are running around naked so you won't get freaked out again.

  9. that's your Mom and I doubt that she looked at your privates and if she did I doubt that she gave it much thought.  I doubt that she is traumatized, when you become a parent you will understand.  You shouldn't be so insecure about the size of your p***s as I am assuming that you are a male and you shouldn't be making your mom suffer because you feel so bad.  Let it go, it's your Mom.  I promise it is not a big deal to her.

  10. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

    i thought it was a girl when reading this till the last few sentances LOLOLOLOL dude thats godo stuff how S****y that u havent grown much and oyur small at 22 LOLOLOLOLOLOL S****y, well theres always a c**k pump solution hahahhahaahah

  11. I really could care less if I saw my grown son's privates.  Trust me, she was not examining you and measuring your privates.

    Not a big deal.

  12. I am a I will give you this side...

    You are probably more worried about it than she is.  You will always be a "baby" to her.  I wouldn't worry about it...

    It's not like  she is ever going to try and compare you to other men...that would be sick...she's your least it wasn't your sister!  Then you'd never hear the end of it :)

  13. try Male Enhancement?

  14. If my son had that happen at that age, I wouldn't think anything of it. I would just forget about it and know he is human and I made him.

    I have a 15 month old right now.

  15. well you can't say that she hasn't seen them befor. whenever you were a baby she saw them everyday while you took a bath or changed your diaper now that you are older it is kinda embarrassing even for a girl. she probably thought nothing of it.  but i see why its embarrassing. avoid eye contact and deep conversations soon you will it will be a funny moment you might wanna eavesdrop on phone convos though just remember, things like that are shared with friends faster than you can say mom.

  16. lol lol lol lol lol lol

  17. You sound more traumatized than you think she is. She probably didn't even flinch. She's your mother. The woman who gave birth to you, bathed you, changed your diaper, among other things. She could give a care in the world.

    You on the other hand, sound like you may need therapy after this. Good luck.

  18. your mom is not tramitized she still loves no you matter what or how much you have............besides it is not what you have it is how you use what you have so i would not worry about it be a man and talk to your no she is probably just as embarrased as you are and just dont no what to say to you.....but alls well that ends will be ok buck up :)

  19. She diapered it.  She's wiped it.  She washed it.  I'm betting that it didn't affect her nearly as much as it did you.  Get over it, she's your mother and doesn't care about your size.  If she did, then we'd have more problems to contend with, but I doubt she does.  

    Let the initial shock wear off and move on.  It's not that big of a deal.  She's your mom and trust me she's seen sides of you that you probably haven't.

  20. get over it douff but

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