
My mom recently was diagnosed with diabetes and is on new meds. Now has blurred vision. Should she be worried?

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My mom was recently diagnosed with diabetes type 2. She just started taking new meds and she is now seeing blurry. Is this a normal symptom of medications? Her doctor said yes but were not too sure. She scared of going blind. Will the blurred vision go away after time or should she be worried?




  1. i had blurred vision when my sugars were very high, when your blood sugars are high you actually can develop so much excess glucose in your system that there is glucose in your eye fluid making thing blurry, she should be testing her sugars, if they are high you need to talk to the doc to adjust the meds, if they are normal for a while and she still has the blurred vision, i would first call the pharmacist and ask about the side effects for the specific meds she is taking, over the years with my diabetes and other conditions i have realized that a lot of times my pharmacist will be more knowledgable about the side effects of my meds than my doctor is, you have to find a good one though, if the blurred vision isnt a side effect and her sugars are high she needs to go to the doctor, possibly the eye doc, she may have done some eye damage with her high sugars prior to being diagnosed and starting meds

  2. I would do research on-line. Search the meds she's taking and find side effects (Are they dangerous? Will this lead to blindness?)

    I would also want to get second opinion go to another doctor see what they say.

    Maybe they need to put her on different meds?  

  3. no its not normal a friend of mine suffered the same thing n died 2 months after =(  but idk  

  4. I was diagnosed almost three years ago, and my vision was blurry before I found out my BG was high.  Once I got my BG number down to normal, my vision got better.  She should just give it some time and if it doesn't seem better in a couple of months, contact her eye doctor for a check up.  

  5. Blurry vision is common with type 2 diabetes.  Make sure your mom is also exercising and dieting the way she should be.  Sometimes diet and exercise alone are enough to reverse the disease if it is in its early stages.  But you know how doctors love to prescribe medicine for everything no matter what.  Read this website to help your mom.

  6. blurred vision is not normal with meds.  She should see a vision doctor.  She could be having blurred vision  because her blood sugars are high but that should be going away with the meds not just occuring. It takes time to go blind but cateracts can be caused from the high blood sugars she may need to have them removed but to know she needs good eye care.  She needs to make an appointment now.

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