
My mom said I can get an animal, which one?

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Should I get a bunny or a hamster or a cat. Maybe even a bird, but I highly doubt that!




  1. A cat, bunnies and hampsters, birds, do you really want to clean out a cage everyday? Plus you really cant play with any of them too much, cats are way better, all thats is ever a problem is the litter box, that aint that bad, you can play with them, and cats can do some really funny stuff, my cat is hilarious!

  2. I say get a ferret but, too choose from a rabbit,hamster or cat i would say get a hamster cause they are easy to take care of and dont make big messes  

  3. kitties are amazing. so are hamsters. and rabbits. and birds.

    idk all animals are kewl.


  4. cat because you can potty train the cat and all you have to do is scoop out its litter every few days but the hamster and bunny you need cage and need to clean out its cage and its pretty nasty lol not to mention cats are cleaner because they clean themselves all the time so you rarely need to give a bath

  5. WOW< they're all cute animals and i think u'll love either of them. If I had to pick i would pick a kitten or a bunny. Sometimes birds are too loud and annoying and the hampsters; cage has to be cleaned all the time. And they die fast. lol

    Cats- p**p smells

    Hamsters- Constantly have to clean their cages, buy new food and new hay, and if you dont clean their cage in a day it will start to stink

    Bunnies- like to chew on carboard or things like that, very fast and if they dont like you they can run away, a lot of dogs will try to eat it

    Bird- might make a lot of noise, poops (well actually its pee) every few seconds and it gets anyoing. If u get a bird get one that can talk, like a Quaker, about $70-$100 i think.

    The cheapest are the bunnies and hamsters.

    Expsensive are the quakers and cats. But it depends on what type of bird you want because some are small and cheap.

    can u answer my multiple choice question: WHat would make you cheat on someone? I want to know what you think...;...

    Thanks =]

  6. I would go for the cat. Cat's have a lot of personality and like others have said, are VERY easy to care for. They usually live at least 10 years, whereas hamsters don't least more then a couple of years and bunnies poo a lot, and everywhere.

  7. Well, Bunnies are cute, but they stink too much. I'd say a cat or hamster, but some cats shed too much. Maybe a hamster? but that's just my opinion.  try picking one that you think you will take care of very well.  

  8. Well it depend how you like it.

    For example: Think about how you'll take care of a dog if you wanted one. Will you have enough time to walk it around the park or your neighborhood everyday? Will you give your dog a lot of affetion and love it needs? Will you pick-up after it? (Yes I'm talking about it's ''buisness'') Last of all, will you be able to train him/her? Go over those questions with you and your family. If not what about

    Cats: Will you be able to be calm and affectionate around your cat? Will you be gentle and not be afraid? Will you be able to train it?

    Rodents: Are you going to be able to clean the cage 2 days every week? Will you be able to keep noisy things away from your rodent? Do you promise to be loving and gentle to your rodent?

    Birds: Are there any childen in the house? (If there are then a bird for a pet is not such a good idea) Will you be quiet and loving to your bird?

    Will you clean the cage everyday for your bird?

    Try to choose carefully and all pets need love, affection, care, and also remember to check your pets food bowl everyday to see if its empty. Also you can research more if you want and remember to check the size of your house or apartment to see if it's fit for your pet. Hope i helped :)

  9. cat. they're more interesting than bunnies or hamsters.

  10. Every hamster i've had has been mean and have bitten me!  I've had a bunny too--very boring and messy (lots of p**p).  I would get a cat...very easy to take care of and fun to play with!  Visit your local animal shelter instead of the pet shop!

  11. dog! they have their own unique personality, and will always love you no matter what.  

  12. You should get a bunny, they are easy to take care of love to bond with you really friendly and they dont really stink at all they might stink if u dont change there cage lol But bunnys love spending time with people and they are fun to watch. and have a very unique and individual attitude everyone of them.

    They can live up to 10yrs

    I have 4 dogs

             3 cats

             7 indore rabbits that are the best and they dont cost alot at all

  13. dogs are the best. but thats my opinion but if between those choices a cat.

  14. i would get a horse but thats just me

    i love horses more than any of the animals you listed

    they have gotten me through really hard times

    when you have a bad day you can go over and ride your horse

    all my horses have been able to sense when i am upset and are always able to make me feel better

    of the animals you have listed i would get a cat

    but if i had to choose any animal i would get a horse

  15. if you want a big pet... get a dog, they are easily trained, loyal, they have interesting personalities and are GREAT pets. They live for a long time though so you must be committed to looking after it.

    if you want a little pet I would suggest rats. I have had LOADS of rats over the years. They are clever, they can be trained to come to their name, they can be toilet trained and are very social and interactive pets. They live for 2/3 years. One of mine lived for 4 years but thatsthat's rare. Rats are very intelligent and social animals so it would be best to get two (same s*x to prevent breeding) They must be handled alot and challenged. Make them think, they love to work their brain! :) These are AMAZING pets, for young and older children adn I'm sure once you get them you will adore them! Also,  they're SO CUTE!!

    Good luck on choosing an animal.

  16. a siamese cat

  17. It's a personal choice. But I am not a cat person so i will say rabbit.

  18. Get a bunny. i personally think that cuz they are easiest to take care of and are adorableeee abdolutely cute!! They are the easiest to clean because you just empty the tray to clean their waste. Please get a bunny. I mean you can get a cat too but bunnies are easier.

  19. you should adopt an animal there are some many out there in need of a home its so much better you should look into a ferret i just adopted 2 they are great i even walk them outside on leashes i let them loose in the yard you just have to always keep an eye on them when they are out of the cage but also you can hold them like a baby they love it

  20. A bunny! There not annoying, there very very cuddly, and super cute.

    There perfect pets. :)

    I have 2 netherland dwarf bunnies, and there the sweetest! They have never bit me or anyone. There easy to tame too.

    Love bunnies!

  21. not a bird, they're extremely messy.

    i though i would love a bird, i got two...

    extremely unhappy with them. also not that fun.

    a bunny isn't too much fun... they p**p a lot.

    but they are extremely cute. and if you get

    the right one, it is pretty fun/cute whatever

    to just snuggle with them while watching tv ( :

    hamster...nah. ive had my share of them. they're

    cute, and lots of fun for a while, but after that...not

    so much. plus they die within 1-3 years.. eh.

    a cat is your best bet.

    EXTREMELY easy to care for...

    they love you, unlike any of the other can play with them for

    several years...

    they're soo cute ( :

    and they live for a long time

  22. cat all the waayyy a lot easier to keep alive then a hamster and you can pet it sleep with it hold it without the worry of bittng u PERFECT PET besides a dog

  23. you should get a dog they are probely the gentlest pet =) but it is mostly your choice=)

  24. in my opinion you should get a cat because they are the most easiest to care for like you can just give them a food bow and some water and they can last like when you get out of school and your really tired you just have to sit there and watch t.v with your cat and he or she will lay down next to you but if you get a hamster you have to clean out there house and watch them a lot and also a bunny you have to clean there little cage a lot because they go to the restroom everywhere and they need a lot of work and a cat they clean themselves and don't need that much of attention and a bird makes a lot of sounds and need a lot of a lot of attention

    P.S hope this helps you

  25. a bunny because u can keep them in a cage or get them a little leash and take them out. not a cat they are lazy. and hamsters a re noctournal

  26. Personally, i would go for a bunny or a hampster. I find both a lot cuter then cats, and a lot more fun to play with.

    While bunny's and hampsters aren't affectionate like dogs, i find cats to just be plain bitchy. Plus, you can wath a bunny hop around, or if you get a hampster you can build him a little city inside of his cage.

    The downside of getting a bunny or hampster is they don't live as long as cats. I believe hampsters live around 4-5 years, while bunny's, i'm not 100% sure, but i believe it to be about the same. This could be beneficial though if you are young and don't want to have to take your cat with you when you go off to school or move out etc, seeing as cats can live up to 17 years old!

    If you're goal is to get a dog, and your mom's not letting you because it's a lot of responsibility, I say get a hampster or rabbit, and prove that you can take care of it. Then in 4-5 years, or even sooner, your mom may consider letting you have a dog. That again though is only if that's your goal.

    Good luck with your choice!

  27. I personally love cats. But umm do some research and see which one you feel will be easiest to take care of.

  28. i would definately suggest a dog! Dogs are more cuddly- that is if you want a small one but big ones love to play and be pet too! ALSO, dogs have been researched and are said to be able to take stress away. When you have a test or something going on in your life thats stressful, just pet your dog and all of it goes away! it works with my dogs! (japanese chins) Plus: dogs dont have to use litter boxes..

  29. Hamsters are annoying!

    and bunnys are pretty high maintenance. so i would get a cat:]

  30. Get whichever one you feel that you will be able to take care of, and look after properly, from my experience, rabbits are lovely, and easy to take care of, but look around a see which you feel would be best for you.good luck.

  31. It is obviously that dogs so loyal to its owner, that is why I do prefer to have a dog more than any other pets. However, it's yours. You have to choose what would u fell comfortable with . Cat, dog, or birds or any other pet you like just think!!. Oh,, don't forget to tell me what is your decision :). Good Luck :)  

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