
My mom said that starbucks is not good for u?

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my mom said that starbucks has genetically enhanced ingredients and it is bad for u. i dont know whether i should stop drinking starbucks or not, because ever since i first tried it ,i swear i've been like addicted to it. So if anyone knows something about this please tell. i worry about my own health:P




  1. Our milk used to have hormones (and when it did, we provided certified organic milk as a substitute), we have sense required our milk supplier to guarantee our milk is hormone free.  We still have organic soy milk.  You shouldn't stop drinking Starbucks, I recommend you try to get your drinks as health as possible though.

    And BTW, it's been proven a myth that Starbucks denied to send coffee to our troops.  Every week, Starbucks allows all it's employees to have a free pound of coffee.  We had a program where we could donate our pound of coffee to the troops.  So many partners donated coffee because so many of us have an overflow of coffee because it's hard to go through a pound of coffee every, single week!

  2. I won't go to Starbucks, cos the U S forces asked for some coffee for the troops.  Simple enough who wouldn't want to do something for (soldiers at war) morale.  (I am English by the way, we are at war too)  They refused, saying they did not want to be politically affiliated with the war against terror.

    Nice  Next time another serviceman is killed, nationality unimportant, One of the worlds largest businesses thought about it's self first not the democratic society that allows it make huge obscene profits.  I boycott Starbucks.

  3. uh unless ur momma works for the governement and she is privy to secret research info,i'd say NO.i love starbucks!

  4. its bad for you. caffeine is a drug and yea you can get addicted. best bet slowly stop drinking starbucks until its only a cup once in a while. good luck quitting!   :)

  5. it's not BAD like very harmfull, but its not great either. I think that maybe you should just have it like every once in a while. It's not good to have it like everyday or anything, but once every 2 weeks shoudln't harm you at all.

  6. well caffeine is not bad for you

    at least i dont think it is. but starbucks wouldnt be any less healthier than another coffee, like dunkin donuts or something

    and vegetables have genetically enhanced ingredients too. are those bad for us?

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