
My mom said that tofu tastes like what you cook it with, true or not?

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  1. yeah i think so. thats why i usually marinate my tofu before i cook it in a stir fry (the best way to eat it in my opinion)  

  2. How would she know it tastes like human. That rumor started with this one brand of tofu that is flavored to taste like human. That is the one case. Tofu tastes like nothing.

    Hufu was a joke. Tofu has a taste like nothing this is way you need sauce to go with it.

    Hufu does not taste like Tofu. Hufu is flavored to taste like humans. Tofu has it's own flavor.

  3. Yes, it has no flavor without anything. Get the firmer ones, they are much betterand dont get all crumbly when you cook them.

  4. Pretty much. It's like a sponge.

  5. Tofu is basically flavorless, but absorbs any juices or sauces it is marinated or cooked in.

    Generally it should be fried or baked with some spices & soy sauce, teriyaki, or other sauce, and added to your main dish.

  6. True.  Tofu is like a sponge; you squeeze out all the liquid it's packed in and it soaks up the flavors/marinades you cook it with.

  7. true...ive had just tofu plain and it tasted like absolutely nothing, just like water

  8. I think is true!

  9. True.  Tofu is much like potatoes in the way that it is bland until you season it.

    You can marinate tofu ahead of time or cook it in the seasonings/sauce.

    There are many good tofu recipes out there...from hot and spicy tofu and vegetables to tofu cheesecake.

    Google tofu and you will get a TON of recipe sites!!!

    Tofu is nutritious, cheap, and works well in any genre of cooking!  It can be frozen too!  Good luck with all of your future tofu endeavors!!

  10. True, it has the flavor but not the texture.

  11. True

  12. Tofu itself has no taste. But when made into something it transforms into that taste. (i.e desserts, tofu chicken, tofu steak, tofu fillets, tofu cutlets, BBQ tofu, stir-fried tofu, tofu fries, tofu fish, tofu scramble, tofu burgers, tofu cheese, tofu yogurt and ice cream, etc).

  13. Pretty much, yeah.

  14. True. It's like a flavor sponge, it's especially useful for marinades or for frying with veggies and flavorful oils.  

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