
My mom says im boring, and I find my friends annoying so I dont want to hang out with them! HELP!?

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I dont know what to do everyday becuase I dont want to hang out with my friends becuase I find them annoying and if I do something alone( like ride my bike around outside) I think im going to get abducted becuase I'm paranoid. I like being alone alot..... I'm always singing too and im like addicted to the computer, and im alone everyday. What should I do?




  1. That is soooo weird. . . that's like describing me exactly. Wow I guess there are more of us out there than I though. . .

    Anyway I've been so bored lately and I'm trying to wean myself off the computer so I'm cleaning my filthy house. Give it a try.

  2. Do what you want to are living your life not your mother's....your Mom sounds like a dumb B! I can't believe she'd have the audacity to put you down like a bigger person to that attitude and do the things that make you happy.

  3. Oh my god. You sound like me.

  4. You really need to find a hobby and something you like to do. The comp is fun for an hour a day but its not good for you. And being anti social isn't a crime, but you have to replace it with interests. Join a club, sport, or even an art class. There has to be something you like.

  5. You should take up an art. I like to make homemade cards. Or you can start writing a book or something. Try not to play too much computer games. I find them to make me feel tired and sluggish. Or you could get a hamster to play with.

  6. wow ur describing me just like everyone else said haha ur not alone. GET GUY FRIENDS!!! they are awsome now im a guy basicly i hate girls just dont talk about girl stuff around guys and laugh wen they talk about stuff like ***** or something cuz thats wat other guys do

  7. Wow, that's some real positive parenting going on there.  I don't think you will get abducted, as long as you travel with people you trust in safe areas. Maybe you should get involved with a club or organization at your school because it sounds like you are bored with life.

  8. find some new friends ones that like what you like and are not annoying maybe ask some one out on a date but be careful who you choose

  9. Choose a career in the IT profession.

  10. i find my situation similar but not totally the same. we are similar when it comes to friends. i find my friends suddenly annoying right after we finished high school. we used to see each other everyday in school and now we only see each other at least once in two weeks and everytime im with them, i get annoyed. maybe because we all change and we have our own little friends and we arent used to seeing them anymore. the only difference between you and me is that i want to hang out with them. besides having other friends, i still want to hang out with them as their are my best friends but i just dont know how to overcome getting annoyed with them.

    anyway, back to ur story. just do whatever you want as long as you dont hurt other people. otherwise if u just do what other people tell u to do, obviously u wont feel happy and u feel less confident about yourself as u think that ur mom finds u boring. who cares what she thinks. i know shes ur mom but theres nothing wrong with being by yourself.

  11. I think it's important for you to be happy - whether it's alone or with new friends who like to do the same things as you.  Look for activities in your town that interest you, you may find some less annoying friends.  ("boring" means different things to different people because we all have different interests)  If you like to sing, have you tried songwriting or playing piano or guitar along with singing.  Is there a YMCA or other group that may have a bike together activity.  If someone invited you to do something and it sounded better than spending time on your computer - what would it be?

  12. ..if you find your friends annoying, are they really your friends?

    anyways yeah you sound like me in a way.

    redecorate your room!

    organize your closet or something.

    that's what i'm doing.

  13. Computer games are fine.  Just stay away from the 60 year old perverts online, and try to find time to do some physical activity like going to the gym so you can stay fit.  Gaming is usually very sedentary so you'll likely find yourself out of shape if all you do is play on the computer.

  14. Take some drugs, pass the time.

  15. get better friends

  16. you're almost like me!

  17. Your mom says you're boring? Well, isn't she a sweet woman. Anywho, if you want to be alone there's nothing wrong with it, but I think that isolating yourself from others is. I understand the friends thing, because honestly some people I know are annoying and I really don't want anything to do with them. Try meeting new people. Or if you're old enough, get a job and meet new people like that. It's a win/win because you get paid and meet new people unless you get a job that sucks haha. And you also said that you're paranoid so that's understandable that you wouldn't want to get out more often, but just try and face your problems. You should get out more often, you can also try going to a place where there are lots of people, so there's a slim chance of you being abducted. Stop worrying and just live your life.

  18. just become the hermit that you want to be..

  19. This sounds exactly like me.  Every single thing you said.

    I wish I knew the answer....

  20. im the same way...just  ignore them try to talk to your mom and tell her how you feel..that you dont like hanging with your friends!

  21. hello there. please get out of yourself and do something to help others. it will make you feel better about yourself. mothers should not tell their daughters they are boring! the whole thing is you need to create new friendships.... even if it is just one good friend. no complaining anymore. it verifies the negative. this is a big, wide, wonderful world so help make it so. wishing you the best, susie

  22. GO to a craft store or a hobby store and look around and see what you can find I am sure something will jump out at you. Try a few things and see what you like and you might find something that might make you a good extra income.

    good luck

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