
My mom says what im doing is wrong?

by  |  earlier

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okay so I was invited to this boy that I likes football game, he lives like an hour away but I was offered by his brother in law and sister to take me. he texted his sister and told me to tell her that I didn't want to go because he would get pissy after the game if he lost and other reasons...well I dont think im going to go, but I got invited to go to the movies with two other girls and two other of the guys would drive, and we are just like mom said it was wrong to go to the movies with them because I was disprespecting that other guy, what do you think?




  1. go to he game, you use less money. :)

  2. I would have to agree with you mom, if you made plans with that guys first you shouldn't cancel them because you think something better and more fun came along. That is really mean.

    wait maybe I read this wrong, the guy who invited you to his football game cancel led on you? if so than go to the movies. Defiantly go to the movies.

  3. Drama drama, if you really like the football player then I wouldn't go to the movies just because you might mess things up, but if the football player is more of a friend then just do it!

  4. I think it is disrespectful! Be kind to the first guy...Just go to the football game... Maybe you being there will motivate him to play harder and you won't have to worry about him losing.

  5. its only wrong if the other guy finds out... hehehe

  6. I think you should respect your mothers decisions.

  7. ummm wait wat? disrespecting......i guesss ??

  8. You said: "he texted his sister and told me to tell her that I didn't want to go because he would get pissy after the game if he lost and other reasons"

    If this guy really did that, he didn't want you going anyway. It's not disrespectful if you tell them that (and he also needs to tell them).

    If he didn't tell you to tell her you didn't wanna go it would be different. Did you mention that he said he didn't want you to go? That might just make them understand.

  9. So you don't want to go to a football game, but you can't go to a movie with your friends because that would be disrespectful to the guy who is playing football? You are in high school, right? Is your mom in high school, too? Seems like a lame excuse to get you not to go to the movies or hang out with those friends.

  10. Disrespectful. Definately. How would you feel if you asked someone to go somewhere than instead they went with other people. That's mean.

  11. If the guy didn't want you to go.. are you just meant to sit around doing nothing?? No, go out and enjoy yourself!

  12. I agree with what your mother said. I mean think about it. You probably would be heart broken if he did the same to you, but if you really had your heart set on going to the movies then maybe you could talk to him. Find out how he would feel and if he doesn't care and understands then go, Otherwise it's disrespectful.

  13. If you could ask this question over again in a language that perhaps I can understand,I would be pleased to answer it!!!!!

  14. Unless you are intentionally blowing the first dude off I think you are free to be a kid.

  15. If the guy you like doesnt want you to go to his game, what does he expect you to sit home and be miserable? Why would he be mad that because he is busy and doesnt want to include you in his plans, you make other plans. I would say go and have fun!  

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