
My mom smokes pot but she says its medical and she has a license to smoke it but i don't know? ?

by  |  earlier

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she smokes and i have relized that the people she hangs out with do too...i'm not sure if it's a caqincidince (idk if i spelt it right!) but anways they all do and i'm worried because i havn't seen this license and i think she may be lying to me...advice on what to do and don't say talk to her! Because that won't help! She just says it's none of my business. because she never gives me direct answers so it's just irritating. advice!? oh and all of the people she works with smoke it too...and so do all of her friends and now our roommate does too....cowincidence? i'm not sure please help! Thanks in advance!!




  1. my dad and mom does

    i saw the bong when i was ten and  i thought

    my parents were drug addicts but once i got to research

    about it i found out its a pure herb!

    so its not technically just makes u wacko a lil.

    btw im 12 now hehe/

  2. lol, first of all, it's co-incidence. i can't really help you with that but marijuana is recommended by some psychologist and such. your mom might be telling the truth and her friends must be a part of some club that require the use of that. like i work at subway, and next door we have great clips (barber), and two of the ladies there who have kids smoke weed in the back. it's not a big deal honestly unless she's doing it almost everyday and about 5-6 blunts. but YOU shouldn't do it.

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