
My mom started smoking, I want her to stop. What do I do?

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I smoke cigarettes, and my two sisters do. One sister started at age 16, the other at 15. I started at 14, and both of my sisters are older then me. I visited my mom, and found her smoking..I do not want her to start, and I showed her pictures of smoker's lungs, and told her about health, she should quit, etc. She did not listen, and smokes about 1 pack a day now, and my whole family knows. They thought it was funny and laughed, and now they smoke together. I do not want her to start, because she is obviously much older then me, and her health will get effected, most likely at the old age. How do I get her to stop? (And I am not looking for a health lecture)




  1. listen 1st of all why u do smoking u knw the affects of smoking so ......

    u should quit smoing first

    for ur mom use her weakness like if she loves u so should talk to her

    tht if u love m then u have to quit smoking if u dont then i lll be nt talking to u  or use her other weaknesses

    i hope this will worKKKK

  2. this is what i did to my boyfriend:

    i LOVE dancing...shows like So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With the Stars, Youtube videos, going dancing in general ect.. and he knows that. He likes smoking and i've already told him i'm not kissing him at all if he smokes ( if he smokes and brushes his teeth thats a diff story) so i said i'd give up watching any videos of dancing or watching So You Think You Can Dance if he gave up smoking. Yes it was hard but its also hard for him

    therefore, tell your mom that you'll stop smoking if she does too, liek non smoking buddies! That seems harsh especially since your the one that wants to help her but give her reason to stop. She's older than you and feels like she can do what she wants especially since she's not getting any younger but a sacrifice from you might make her attempt to stop especially since you already shower her pictures. plus if you still smoke and she's trying to stop, she wont take you seriously and you'll just be seen as a hypocrite even if your intentions are good

    hopefully that helped! please answer mine :);...

  3. You have no room to talk son. It's kind of hypocritical of you to tell her to stop when you are puffing away. No wonder the rest of your family laughed at you. They thought it was a joke, that you were trying to get her to quit, when you were smoking yourself.

    Here's a tip. Let mom do what she wants. For years she looked after you and your siblings. Now she wants to do what she wants for her. Leave her be.  

  4. What a terrible situation. It will be hard to convince her because it sounds like the sisters will be telling her to smoke. In saying that there is no way that should prevent you from trying to get her to stop. Best to try now before she gets totally addicted.

    Good on you for being worried about her. This is a tough situation because at the end of the day it is her choice to whether or not she quits smoking.

    All you can do is keep trying to convince her. Smokers are stubborn people (I know because I used to be one of them).

    Let her know how much you and the rest of the family love her. Let her know the pain you will all go through if you were to lose her. Putting your mom through a big guilt trip is a hard thing to do but it may be your only option.

    If you can, try to guide her to our blog. It has some really great ideas and information. This may help to convince her.

    Don't listen to those who say stop trying. Never stop trying, it is your mom we are talking about after all. I bet she has never given up on you.

    Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course. You can also download our free book '36 Powerful Superfoods' to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking.

    Good Luck, I hope you all manage to quit.

  5. You are what is known as a  hypocrite, look the word up.

    Your mother more then likely smoked before, you were not always in her life you piece of work you are.

  6. well hate to break it to you

    but most people learn by example

    its just the way we function.

    if your mom sees you doing it

    and your not getting hurt,

    then she sees no harm in it

    and won't listen to anything you

    say about how dangerous it

    is because that would be very

    hypocrotical of you.

    my advice: stop smoking.

    but you said youd didn't want

    a health lecture so my bad,

    it's just probably the only way

    she will stop.

    good luck!!


  7. See if you can convice her to stop with you. Otherwise, I'm afraid you don't have a leg to stand on. My aunt and uncle stopped smoking years ago, and then my cousins started and their parents ended up smoking again (and loving it). And both of them died of it. Such is life . . .

  8. Maybe you should talk to her, and make a resolution by both quiting. Lead by example :)

  9. You could both try quitting at the same time.

    I think the only way she'd do it at this point is if someone else does it.  And who better than you, who wants her to quit?  Maybe you don't want to quit, but you should consider doing so for her.   I know it's not at all the same, but I recently changed my eating and exercise habits to encourage my mother, who has high blood pressure, no thyroid, and is borderline diabetic, to change her eating and exercise habits so she could be a bit healthier and metabolize correctly.  Good luck with whatever you try to do, though!  :)

  10. sort of the pot calling the kettle black here... if you smoke, why on earth should she listen to you?  She is free and over 21, she can do as she chooses and there is nothing you can say or do about that.  I am sure she is aware of the damage she does to herself... still it is her life, her decision and you have NOTHING to say about it.

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