
My mom thinks I'm too young to shave.?

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Every single time I'm in the shower I shave my legs and she doesn't seem to notice since my hairs were blonde anyway. I'm afraid she's going to find out and will not be happy at all. I don't know if I should just tell her everyone in my class shaves and I've been shaving for a while without telling her. Help! I have no idea what to do!




  1. My mum was the same when i was younger for some reason she had a problem with it but seemed ok for me to use the creams to get rid of leg hair. She might find that ok!

  2. heh i went through the same thing.

    tell her.

    she'll find out eventually, might as well just tell.

    shes not gonna do anything because well, theres comes a time wen u need to shave.

    u should just tell her.

    hope i helped.

    answer mine? =];...

  3. Well... I cant answer that question very well... but i will try, (since no age was listed)

    If you are age...

    7: uh... no

    8: I don't think so!!!!

    9: mmm... if you have blonde leg hair... why bother? still... no

    10: possibly...

    11: Good age to start.

    12: Also Good age to start.

    13: OK age to start

    14: Urgh... Kinda late

    15: Urgh... Very late

    16: yeah... very friggen late!!!!!

    17: WTF GETTEM SHAVED (mom has issues...)

    18: listen, you have lived a long and miserable life at home, without shaving... and now you are free, with leg hair that is so long and disgusting, it will be disturbing not to shave them.

    So... Yeah... thats all I can say, lol...

    oh yeah!

    Stop shaving them for about 3 days, and then ask your mom if you could start shaving, and because everyone is shaving in your class and it makes you feel left out =[[[

    If she says no, don't stop!!!! argue with her... tell her that your legs are disturbing (no offense) and if you don't gettem shaved you will be horribly embarrassed and yeah...but only if you are in the right age group (listed above)

  4. don't try to hide it, tell her. and if see does get a little mad , don't stress because she'll get over it eventually.... but i don't think she'll get mad

    good luck

  5. If you're around 12 years old or older, then there's nothing wrong with you shaving.  Even with the blond hairs, chances are she has noticed and probably thinks its no big deal for you to shave.      

  6. every one starts shaving at a different age      so people cant really be too young to shave. i know most people start shaving in the 6th grade. but i remember even when i was in the 5th grade, some people were already shaving.  

  7. you should tell her

  8. i started to shave without telling my mom  and she found out but she said if i wanted her to show me how that i should just tell her

    i never told her  and she didnt get mad about it

    but if you're really worried about it just tell your mom =]

  9. If you tell your mom you've been shaving, she might at first be a little mad but she will understand because she has probably gone through the same thing. Plus if you tell her, she can help you with any problems you might have or any questions you might have about shaving.

  10. i was like 7 when i started.

    my mom would shave them.

  11. is there really a need to tell her? i mean as long as you are a reasonable age, you should be able to shave.

    If she says anything, just tell her it makes you feel more comfortable and confident, and that you are old enough to make this decision your self.  

  12. Wait are you a guy? Are you using your mom's razor or what? This could get complicated. Ok, I know you're probably at a difficult and awkward time in your life, but you really don't need to shave your legs, unless you're a swimmer or a bicyclist. She might be a little concerned with you, but I don't know your mom or how she will react.

    If you are a girl... it's a lot less complicated. She probably won't care too much, because it's a more normal thing for a young girl to do. How old are you anyway? You could probably hold off shaving a few years especially if your hair is blond and unnoticeable.  

  13. she'll be all right i started wen i waz in 5th grd.

  14. And you shave your legs using what? The razor that magically appeared out of thin air?

    She knows. She simply doesn't think it's a big deal. I wouldn't either.

  15. If you are old enough to want to shave, you are old enough to shave.  It's not that big a deal, and I'm sure your mom won't freak out.  I started in middle school when everyone else did.  As long as you're not a third grader (in which case I don't think you're allowed to be posting anyway), I think you're fine.

  16. just tell her she'll understand i started in 4th grade

  17. Well, how old are you?  I started when I was 11 or 12.  

  18. Trust me and just tell her. I tried constantly not telling my mom, and she found out and she got mad because I didn't tell her. She said she would have been just fine with it if I told her, so don't make the same mistake I did, and just tell her. I started when i was about half way through the fourth grade and now I am in the seventh grade... So just tell her.

  19. Don't worry about it.  You don't tell your mom every time you brush your teeth, take a shower, or change your underwear, do you?  Shaving your legs is simply part of your PERSONAL hygiene.  Don't bother telling her, because then you'll come across as being guilty of something (and you've done nothing wrong).  If she ever notices, just casually say, "Yeah, my legs were getting too hairy to wear shorts so I started shaving a while ago."  I never did understand why moms are weird about shaving.  If you're old enough to find this site and pose the question coherently, you're old enough to shave your legs.  It's not like shaving legs is a gateway to making out with boys or doing drugs or anything.  It's just maintenance.  You're fine.  :)

  20. Just keep shaving and if she notices then she notices. No big deal. What's the worst she can do... actually watch you bathe and make sure you don't shave?!? I doubt she'd do that.  

  21. How old are you? Your mom might be scared that you might accidentally cut yourself. Or purposely cut yourself. I don't know. But you could just tell her, "Mom, I've been shaving my legs. They get hairy and it's quite unattractive. So I shave them." That may be a big step and whatnot. But still.

    My mom used to tell me not to shave my arms (I have dark brown hair). But I started shaving them last year and didn't tell her. I'm sure she's noticed that I have, and she never has said anything.

    But it's not really a big deal. You were going to start shaving some time anyway. So really, it shouldn't be that big of a deal and she should understand.

    Hope I helped. :)  

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