
My mom thinks am an atheist, what can I do to make her think other wise?

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I feel am more of an spiritual Christian. I am the type who prays in the mind only, I feel shouting, or speaking in tongues ( I never tried that and feel its suppose to happen on its own), or even going to Church is not needed to feel close to God. I have read other types of religion just for reading purposes and I have read New age stuff too, but I have never done anything or tried to. But I don't put down others religion.

Also she knows how it upsets me when out of the blue she starts thanking God...........even after a show of Maury.

Plus she and my nana knows how I feel about Church, I feel they are all money hungry because any church I went to it was the same, bring up 200 or 500 and get bless.....which had the eleven year old me crying that I wouldn't be bless. I did some reading and the bible itself said God is everywhere so that's all I needed.

I truly believe in God and everything. Like my mom seemed like she wanted to hurt me yesterday when I believed humans can heal themselves if they believe they can. There have been studies of doctors giving fake pills claiming it cures cancer or any kind of disease.

And the results were that person was healed based on believing. My mom heard of this also, but says man can not take the glory.........I end up always having to correct my meaning like I said yesterday God gives men(people in general) wisdom to be able to help themselves sometimes and to create cures.

QWhich I do believe he does. But my mom is a extremem Christian in her own way. But now she believes am a atheist and if she continues to feel this way she will force me to Church : (

What can I do to make her know I really do believe in God?




  1. Say, "Mom, I love you, but you need to back off a bit on the God-thing.  Remember when you were my age?  Could you say something nice about someone without feeling guilty for not giving god the credit?"

  2. Tell her to go to church on Sunday and pray for you.  After that, go out and party til the sun comes up.

  3. Don't do anything.

    If she makes you go to church, sleep through it. If she tries to make you stay awake, sleep anyway.

  4. Read your Holy Bible, get a modern English translation. God tells us in the Holy Bible to go to church. You aren't going for the people who are there, you go to worship God. It also says to hang around with other Christians.

    Stay away from new age stuff, the bible also tells you that.

    God knows your heart and his opinion is the one that counts.

    God is the healer. He gave us doctors to help us, but God is the one who heals.

    Keep reading your Holy Bible, pray when you read it for understanding.

    There is much wisdom to be gained from reading it.

  5. make sure god is reflected in your daily life..unless she's blind she should be able to see it.  conflicts between mother and daughter are common what she isn'm saying is that she is scared your getting independent and having original thought and she fears where they will lead you. Try to give her a break.  She may not be able to say it right but she loves you and is just worried

  6. Wow, where do I start?

    First let me start off by saying this:

             So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)

    Do it FOR the glory of God.

    You do not need to prove your Love for God to anyone. I understand what you mean by praying to yourself and all that. When I was younger I hated praying aloud however, taking a class with my church made me realize that speaking in tongues is a true blessing that is not experienced by everyone. I have experience the baptismal of the Holy Spirit (speaking in tongues) and it is not something you do yourself, this is something done THROUGH you and it is a great feeling to have!

    Next: As a believer, you should not have a problem going to church! I understand about the money thing because many churches are scams and want nothing but money HOWEVER, you do not HAVE to give your money to those churches.

    There is so much that I would like to talk to you about, things that I feel may enlighten your perspective of your mother and help you through this trying time... My mother did the same to me years back and I always felt like God does not force you to go to church, therefore MOMMA shouldnt either, that is our choice to make, we have that option... However, as I get older I realize how important a strong Foundation is!

    If you are interested in furthering this conversation please email me at any of these email addresses.


    I am not crazy or anything I am just a believer!

    I am not holier than thou or think I am like MOST "church folk"!

    I am just another believer that struggles with MY trials and tribulations but still understand what I follow (or try to follow on most days)

  7. WHole thing is take the glory

    but be humble about it and use it for the good of all.

    Jesus was just a man who developed him self spiritualy.

  8. Prove it to her.  Talk the talk and walk the walk.  The Church is God's people, not a brick building full of money grubbers.  You and other True believers can fellowship anywhere.  It's you, not your Mom, that has to come to the realization that you have the right to believe and worship in a way that you know is right.  Please God, not men and women.  

  9. You sound like an intelligent person who will (and probably already does) have a greater understanding of God and spirit than your mother does.  My advice is to keep it to yourself until you are an adult and are not under your mother's control.  She is going to try to force you into her way of believing and acting, so if you lead her to believe you don't disagree with her to the extent you do, it will be a lot easier on you.  Must be very difficult living with her.  Good luck!  Stay strong!

  10. Have you ever tried to help out at the Church and see what they actually do with the money?

    I know ours runs a food bank, helps the women's shelter, day care etc.

    Why not try and understand the Church and what it does?

    If you don't think it uses the money well why not find a good Bible believing Church (with your mother) that does alot of work and go to it?

    My suggestion is that you read the Gospel of James and see what it says about faith AND works.  It is our RESPONSIBILITY to have faith and proclaim the Gospel and help the poor, widows, sick etc. NOT just be spiritual do nothings, doing God's will.

    James 1

    5  But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

    Daniel Wallace (expert in ancient texts and early Biblical manuscripts) in an interview in the book "The Case for the Real Jesus" says  "It's disturbing that when it comes to the Christian faith, people don't really want, or know how, to investigate the evidence", are you willing to learn?

    Are you willing to ask her questions and talk about it with her?

    Learn your faith AND live it, that will be proof to God and if your mother isn't convinced... so what.  You will see her in heaven.


  11. Sounds to me like you already have a better grip of Christianity than most so-called Christians. Jesus never taught that one has to go to a church. The true church is the followers, not a building.

    Your mother sounds like she's an extreme fundamental Christian. There's not much you can do for her. But, you can educate her what it means to be Atheist. And then show her why you don't belong in that category.

    If you believe in God and an afterlife, that alone, negates you from being Atheist.

  12. Tell   your  mom  how  you  feel  about  the  things  you  told  us  in  your  question.Have  her  read  your  question.Now  be  nice  and have  respect  in  all   your  elders  say.Live  the  life  the  BIBLE  teaches  us  to  live.Let   your  light  so  shine.You  worship  GOD  in  spirit  and  in  truth.This  is  done  where  ever  you  are.Don't  be  critical  of  your  elders  for  how  they  do  things.We   need  JESUS    and   his  work  for  our  salvation   that  is  it.Yet  we  share  this  in  our  gatherings  in  his  name.There   are  false  churches  teaching  false  doctrines  so  many  are  deceived  thereby  in  this  day  and  age.If  you  believe   your  elders  are  in  one  of  them   tread  lightly   in  exposing  this.Pray  for  wisdom  and  guidance  on  this  matter.Now  the  BIBLE  does  say   to  give  ten  percent  of  our  income,but  this  is  to  go  to  a  food  bank  and  places  that  give  it  all  to  the  poor.The  JEWS    were  told  to  bring  their  tithe   to  the  store  house  that  the  poor   would  have  their  needs  met.In   this  day  and  age  that  would  mean  to  give   your  tithe  to  a  local  food  bank.You  can   however   give  an  offering   to  your  local  church  to  furture  its   ministry  but  thats  by  your  hearts  desire.The   pastor  of  my  church  has  a job.He  doesn't  make  merchandise  of  the  LORD.Look    becareful   and   study   your  heart  in  this  matter  to  see  if  your  heart  is  right.As  some  look  for  excuses  to  be  disobedient   to  athority.Be  honest  with  yourself  and  you  will  be  fine.   THANK  YOU  D'S

  13. Sorry, kiddo, it's been my experience that truly hardcore parents don't really LISTEN when you try to explain your point of view to them.  It has taken me YEARS to make my parents understand my relationship with God. My dad still asks me to go to church with him when I visit. On occasion, I do because I know it makes him happy. My parents are divorced (ain't that a kick in the head!? They are sooooo against everything and yet they divorced, which I was taught was WRONG). My mom does what your mom does...she just spouts off whenever.  I am 26 now and I can be talking about something completely general, like the price of lettuce, and she'll go, "well, the Lord will provide". Like lettuce will rain down from heaven. I'm not mocking my mom, I'm just saying that I have a very strong belief system and, for someone who is divorced, I don't think she should be pushing her personal belief brand on me. Good luck. I've been arguing with her for 10 years!

  14. burn a bible, and say your a pagan

    she'll be like thank god your not an atheist

    keep on trolling trolling YEAH trolling trolling trolling

  15. well firstly to become a Christian you need to be born again and follow Jesus teaching...and if you say that you read the bible then you know that the Bible says that you must give thanks on every thing that you have or get or do... and it also says that you must bring your treasures to the house of the Lord (church) it doesn't only take following God to be a Christian you don't just sit at home and pry in your heart and then say that you are a Christian you work to be a Christian,,,and that's if you want to be a successful Christian... other wise don't waste your time calling your self a Christian because without Jesus you "Christianity" is in vain

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