
My mom thinks i have a spirit in my room. a presence of some kind. i dont believe it. but what do you think?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You never really know. But the power of suggestion is a very powerful thing. So if you tell yourself their nothing in your room, your room will start to look and feel a whole bunch more normal. on the other hand, if you keep thinking about the mysterious music (which probably has a logical explanation) then you might find your personality become more and more depressing.

  2. Sounds to me like the room and whole house need to be cleansed. I would also suggest moving out of that room until it has been checked and cleansed.

    Blessed Be

  3. To answer early, the room may just have bad energy. It's a little tough to explain what that means, but when in the room, do you feel uneasy, scared, or possibly even unsafe? Quite often it has to do with the placement of things in the room. For example, I tend to feel much more comfortable in a clean room than a messy one, especially when it's dark. Try moving the furniture around in different setups and then sitting in there. If at one point while moving stuff around that the room begins to feel less tense and you feel more comfortable in there, then you're doing good.

    However, something I've noticed is that if a lot of bad things or a lot of depression happens in a room or building, people for some reason start to feel less easy there. Since your sister went through so much while that was her room, all the negativeness I guess stuck with the room. I don't quite get how this works myself, but it makes sense to me. If the furniture is still the same in there as when it was still her room, then moving around would probably help as mentioned earlier. Good luck.

    Edit: After reading it after you added more, I'm starting to see what you mean a little better. Still, try changing the setup of the room. That'll help to get some of her bad energy out. I'm sure this sounds like a load of c**p to you, but it's worked for me before. If she left any of her old stuff in there (furniture, bed, etc) then get rid of it or put it elsewhere in the house. And try getting a new carpet. A black one is fine, but if this is the one that's always been in there, then I'm sure it's a lot of the problem.

    Double edit: A dog spirit actually sounds kinda neat. As long as it's not messing with you it should be no big deal. Think of it this way, it's all the fun of having a living dog without cleaning up c**p or taking it for walks.

    Anyway, message me or something on how it's going. Did you try any of my suggestions? Tell me if they've worked for you. This question has perked my interest.

    Oh, and to support what I said earlier, moving furniture does help. The furniture can keep negative energy with it, but so does a setup of a room, so the more differently setup you have it, the better it should seem. Though there is also the matter of simply having a bad setup causes bad flow of energy, so it is a little complicated.

  4. I think your mom's a d**n hippie.

  5. well finding the jaw bone probably has something to do with it. there might be  a bunch of bodies down there.

  6. Well, you have no reason to not believe your mom. Skepticism is a great thing to have but are you open to the idea that she might be right? I believe in ghosts and spirits. I have plenty of reason to - I have seen them ever since I was very young, and I still do.

    It sounds like you definitely could have a spirit there.

    If you are completely certain that you did find a human jaw- you should have reported it and you should have found out more about the house and it's history - how old is the house? What are it's origins (the family who built it, etc etc etc), all that.

    The jaw could mean a lot. It could mean that someone is dead, and their spirit is uneasy and needs your help to rest peacefully. You can help many ways; be more inviting and show compassion and be firm that they need to move on and that they aren't wanted (ask people here on Y!A how to help a spirit move on, or google it) or you can 'help solve' their death.

    I'd say don't let your mom get into the whole helping the spirit move on; she'll most likely have a priest come in and do some bull stupid c**p and think it's over.

    Anyway, besides the spirit thing, I think you can take some cues from that other answer I saw - you should rearrange furniture, get rid of the negative energy. Take this as a nice reason to paint your walls some nice pretty calm color, rearrange your furniture, buy some new furniture, all that. Keep your windows open as much as you can, and let the air flow. Is it a small cramped stuffy room? That could be a problem. Get some nice curtains of a calming color rather than blinds, let in some air and some light, all that. Freshen things up!

    Hmm.... some added things about the spirit thing.

    Spirits and bodies are completely different things, so don't think that if there's a body down there where you found the jaw it'll stay - the spirit wants its murder solved rather than it's body put to rest.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that dog ghost! Animal spirits are the most common and the hardest to get rid of. I've actually never heard of any time anyone has gotten rid of them. I never have. Anyway, as long as they're not hurting you, the dog should be alright.


    I'm extremely tired so, I'm out!

    You can email me or whatever about this or anything,

    I don't know if you know exactly who I am lol, but I am on your MySpace (from meeting on here), except I deleted my old one and made a new one. Anyway my new one is be_your_own_saviour

    so you can add me....

    message me on there or here about whateva =]

    I know a lot about spirits ghosts and c**p like that, and I have a million stories too

    haha sorry for the SUPER LONG answer

  7. If you didn't report it, how can you be sure there isn't a whole body under the house?  Maybe who ever's jaw you found is asking for help

  8. I do believe that there is bad energy. I really don't know what to make of it but maybe noone should have that room.

  9. First off, reconstruction of any house, can cause some activity to happen that is paranormal. But finding a jawbone doesn't mean that your home or house will be haunted, though that should have been reported to the police. Your self abuse behavior can not be blamed on the room its self though, thats your own doing and coming from personal experience, although scary, you need to go talk to someone. You say your older sister gave off bad vibes to sum up her behavior, some of her energy could be in the room after all this time still. Best way to clear the air is to clean the rooms energy, take some sage and burn it in the room, clean up your own act and talk to your mother.

    Most hauntings like you have described come from bad energy between family members, not the dead.

  10. wow you can fool your mom easy

  11. What do you attribute your bad behavior to?  It sounds like something creepy is going on & if you don't really know why you're acting the way you are then you can't really say it has nothing to do with the room.

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