
My mom thinks im g*y?

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well...i guess its thought now. last night i was looking at some pics on facebook and it was of me and my friend sticking our tongues out and they were touching. there was another picture of her holding me down on the bed, and another where we where i was spanking her butt. she thinks these pics are inappropriate and i shouldn't hang out with her if thats they way we're going to act that way. i act that way with all my friends. what's the big deal? and she saids she's going to take my camera away(which i bought with my own money) if i keep taking pics like this. she saids the kind of behavior i displayed is L*****n.then we got into an argument about how im not a L*****n blah blah. im not L*****n thats just how teens are! i mean we played fight and grab each others b***s are stuff, but we don't makeout. we call each other s**y, hot and s***s.we're always like "o yea id do u" but we dont mean we just laugh at it. its totally normal. don't you think she's overreacting? would you care?




  1. well yes your right, all teenaged girls practically act like that with their friends, i do, except for the tounge touching part.. and i have a boyfriend. in kids our age or around our age its normal and its just pictures of friends having fun, but your mom probably doesnt understand that because shes probably never acted liket hat with her friends. just have a talk with her and tell her that your deffinately not a L*****n and your just having fun with your friends, it might take a while for her to understand but shes a mom, lol

  2. I think shes right...thats a little weird. When I was a teen, I never touched my tongue to my friends...

  3. shes totally overreacting

    anyone that understands current times wouldnt react the way she did

    i do that all the time with my friends

  4. That's a little much!I'm straight and i would NEVER touch another girls b***s playing around or not that's just gross.

  5. Meh, she's probably just a bit set in her ways. My advice: just avoid your mum seeings your Facebook in future :)

  6. i know exactly what you mean! it makes sense why shes reacting strongly, but i see teen girls like that with their friends all the time! its just messing around. and i dont think its fair of her to take ur camera away if u bought it urself.

  7. shes totally over reacting me and my friends call eachother s***s and s**y all the time i like the song i kissed a girl and i love to tke fun pics with my friends so yeah my mom is crxy like that too

  8. sadly a lot of teens are acting like you but it is BAD and unmodest.i dont blame your mother.and im 14 myself.

  9. Okay, you say you are not a L*****n, cool, whatever. Straight or g*y, those pics of you n your friend, on a cell phone....not only inapropriate, but dangerous. They could be intercepted in sending a pic message or other ways. Your mom doesnt want to see your reputation (as low as you want it to be) destroyed. One picture can cross the world in a matter of mins, taken by people who never thought anything of it. Being held down on the bed?? are you freaking serious? thats freaking S&M c**p..... /sigh..... slapping your female friends butt??? omg...... how nieve are you???? "I'm not L*****n thats just how teens are!"......really???? most teens are stupid, act before thinking, comparing yourself to others teens is a lose lose situation......

    I'm 25, if i ever had a teen acting as you are, i'd move into the mid west area and go to church EVERY day, and have her helping to raise babies in the area, babysitting for free.

    Like to clear up, no money at 15 is your money. You live with your parents, they could charge you rent. You are lucky you are let to keep money from your job.

    God bless, Good luck.

  10. Honestly- I've been a teen- and I was raised where that was innapropriate- but we also live in a culture where it's becoming acceptable. I didn't start joking around like that with my friends till my 20's. My 9 year old was singing the "I kissed a girl" song the other day- and I told her that it wasn't acceptable. There are too many parents who just let their kids do and say whatever is "trendy". I applaude your mom for trying to instill good morals. Hopefully when you get to be a young adult- you won't be a sexually confused young adult because of the good morals your mom instilled into you all this time. GIve her a break- You may be joking...but she isn't!

  11. if this is the only problem in ur mom's life, she must be blessed.

  12. She is totally overeacting..

    like all good girl friends do that kind of stuff -just havin fun/ bein normal teen gurls...  duhh! =]

  13. Yeah. That is a little weird. Grabbing eachothers b***s, touching tounges, and calling eachother s**y s***s is verrryyyy werid. And I hate to break it to ya.. but that is the kind of behavior displayed by LESBIANS. It's not normal for teenagers to act like that. Sorry.

  14. Totally overreacting - god I used to do stuff like that with my friends all the time!! lol, we used to makeout - not go any further or stuff and3 of the 4 of us are now married with kids and the other one is in a very serious relationship. It's all about finding yourself etc and expressing yourself - don't worry to much about it.

    PS. Hide ya camera somewhere real good where she can't find it.

  15. lol i am not that extreme but i am lik that with my friends

  16. i think your mom is overreacting. all kids go through their high school phase you know. if you feel real comfortable then its okay.

  17. I have never touched tounges with my friends
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