
My mom thinks most shows I like are inappropriate?

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I am getting really annoyed with my mom. I'm 13, and I don't blame her for thinking some of the MTV shows are inappropriate, but she thinks shows like Project Runway and What Not to Wear are not okay because they focus too much on looks. I can't watch Ugly Betty, The Hills, or Life of Ryan, either, and I think these are fine. What should I do? I feel really left out when all my friends talk about the shows that I'm not allowed to watch.




  1. Get a tv for your room and watch it when she's not around.  Don't let her control you just because she thinks you're gonna become some violent, s*x-obsessed girl all because of some TV shows.  That's bullshit.  Tell her to kiss your ***.  If she still won't let you watch what you want, then hang out a friend's house more often and watch tv there or somethin.

    If all else fails, you still have a computer.  Look up the tv shows online and watch them on Youtube or Veoh.  All parents feel this way about their kids' generation.  It's obvious why.  No parents are gonna feel totally in tune with what their kids are into.  Times change.  You grew up in a different world than your parents.

  2. i started watching those shows when i was 13ish and im just fine.

  3. Sorry, but your mother, for the most part, is right.

  4. lol ok so i would just tell her your a big girl and they are not inappropriate!!!! if my mom wouldnt let me watch life of ryan i would literally die!!!!!! I could not live without it!!!!!!

  5. Tell her you dont care what she thinks and that your not stupid enough to be influenced by a show.

  6. There just tv shows, it doesn't mean that you're going to end up acting like that. I love Greys Anatomy but does that mean I'm going to go and s***w a bunch of guys? No. You should tell your mom that they're just shows and that you won't act like that.  

  7. The only show you mentioned that I've ever actually seen is project runway.

    From what I've seen, that show does not actually focus on appearances.. you see very little of the models.  They give the fashion designers various challenges to creating clothes.  I think its more about creativity than anything.  For example, in one episode the designers had to obtain materials at a local grocery store to make clothes out of.. they couldnt use regular fabrics.  One guy made a cocktail dress out of plastic cups..  and another lady use vacuume cleaner bags that she used bleach and other stuff to dye them.

    Perhaps you can talk your mom into watching a few episodes with you and talk about the positives and negatives from the shows.

  8. Ask your mom to watch the shows with you so you both can talk about them together.  Tell her you want to understand her position but in turn, you want her to watch the show with you so she can see what you like about it.

    You may win a couple victories.  If nothing else, maybe you'll get to see a couple more episodes. LOL

    Good  luck!

  9. You should listen to your mom. I know it seems unfair but she's really just looking out for you. She's kinda right too. I mean, I'm 14 and I like What Not to Wear but it totally does just focus on looks. Your mom isn't trying to be mean or make you unpopular she just wants what's best for you.

    Challenge your friends. Instead of talking about those TV shows talk about issues that matter like Global warming, the Olympics, the Election, or stuff that's going on in your life.

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