
My mom threatened to pirate??

by  |  earlier

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hi okay i hope you can answer this since i tried using yaho serch but it didnt show? neway so i have limewiare on my computer n i use it to d-load music and sometimes the movies but then like other day my mom was in program files start bar and found it? and asked what it was for? and i couldnt think of a good excuse so i told her and she said that i was a PIRATE? n i've seen pirates of the carbiean a few times n i dont know WHAT shes talking about. then she said i was gona get SEWED and that if i didnt then she would sew ME HERSELF? CAN MY MOM SEW ME FOR DOING LIMEWARE PIRATE?




  1. lol o thx 4 ur ansrwrer to my o wquestion so i cam 2 halp u but

    omfg ur mom is DUM LOL

    a PIRATE?!?!?/1/1/1 ur avater dustn evn lok liek jonny dep at al!L! is she high omglol jon dep is hot BUT not AS HOT as JONAS BROS


    ASKUALLY THATS A GOD IDEA YOU FOR YOU TO YOU TELL ur mom tahts ur downlode teh new joansas bros CD n dat tehy sed it was K becuse joe jonas is COOL n that its not bad pirate karate

    tel her it for to give joe joans a hand jobe or w.e u told me ps.s. what is tha han jobe??//?? signachr??

  2. fool! id sew you too if you were using limewire

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