
My mom told me she wishes she had an abortion?

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Thursday was my mom's birthday so she went out for some drinks with friends. When she got back she was completely wasted and could hardly walk. I asked her how much she had had to drink and what she had been doing, and just she flipped out on me. She just yelled at me and told me how much trouble I'd got her in and her life would have been so much better if she'd had an abortion when she had the chance.

I've always known that I'm the result of a drunken one night stand, my mom doesn't let me forget it, but she's never told me that. I always thought she was glad that she had me and that we'd built a really nice life together.

I don't know, it upset me so much and I can't stop crying over it. I just don't know whether to forget about it or talk to her, ask her whether she really meant it. I guess I'm asking this question out of pure desperation more than anything. Help, please?




  1. If it's bothering you that much, just talk to your mom.  Don't keep something like that bottled in, it'll just hurt more.  Talk it out with her.  Maybe start out saying that when she came home last night she said some hurtful things to you and you wanted to talk about it.  Good luck, sweetie!

  2. Yes, she was drunk. but that doesn't give her the right to say that at all & i don't think i would ever get that pissy drunk. like wtf? just maybe question her about it, maybe she won't remember it. but just really tell her how u feel!

  3. OH honey,  I feel bad for you Remember Jesus loves you and so do I.  I think maybe you should ask your mom what she meant by what she said she probably don't remember she even said that just ask her. well God Bless you.

  4. People say things when they are drunk that they never would sober. Find a nice quiet calm time when she's sober and tell her what she said and how much it hurt you.  Chances are, she doesn't remember saying it and will be mortified that she did.  But to validate your feelings, I know that doesn't make it any better. I don't allow someone being drunk to get away with it just because they are drunk.  You need to talk about it.

  5. wow, you have a horrible mother. I feel so bad for you. your mom's such a freak!

  6. Talk to your mom and have a DEEP convo with her. I know what you feel like one time my dad said he's gonna give me up for adoption and an that  was abandoned a garbage dump qnd it HURT so much and then i left a voiceamil on his phone weeping not to give me up for a adoption and he called me back and apologized for wat he said  

  7. wow... well i would talk to your mom about this weather she ment what she said or it was just the booze talking what she did was out of line. you really need to let her know how you feel about what she said but dont approuch her in a bad way cause chances are she may not even remember saying it to you and if you ask her in away where she thinks you are attacking her she will become all defensive causing another fight. just  try to stay strong and calm. best of luck to you

  8. people who say htings when they are drunk arent things that they mean to say but are often things that they mean at leased a little bit

    so u should have a serious talk to her about it

  9. ya she was drunk but that is no excuse

    i think that when her hangover is over and she is sober maybe you should talk to your mom and tell her what happened. she probably wont remember anything so just remind her and tell her how it made you feel. if you are nervous don't be! it is her fault that you feel that way so she needs to know about it.

    well, Good Luck!

  10. Well, she was drunk. When you're drunk, you can't think straight and some say things they don't mean. When she's sober ask her about it. I'm sure she probably didn't mean it. Good luck!

  11. omg she was DRUNK c'mon.. ppl see STUPID things and DO stupid things when there drunk.. have you ever been drunk?? people have like zero brain function when drunk.. dont take that seriously..  

  12. If she was as drunk as you say she was, she didn't mean it. Sometimes people say things they don't mean when they're out of it. Don't worry about it!

  13. i am so so sorry you mom said that to you drunk or not she had no right making you feel like that . you can try talking to your mom but i don't think thats going to help it might make her more angry you need to go to anouther adult like a grandparent or and aunt and uncle or your father if hes in you life and they might be able help in some way. your mom might be stressed out and need to vent but you werent the person that needed to hear it. she might not even know she said it.

  14. well drunk people do stupid things. but if its bothering you then tell her.

    she probably didnt mean it but just to get it off your chest.  

  15. omg the first person is wrong,ur mom had a drunken slur which means she said something she didnt want u 2 know about but she ment it,i would sit down n have a conversation with her  

  16. Wow, I thought I was the only person in the world that got told that. I was 42 when my mother got pissed at me and told me that had abortion been legal I wouldn't be here. Well, I told her, that the next time I would see her she would be in a box. I was in the Navy then and I never came back to see her until she croaked.

    Look, make like a duck when you pour water on his back, shake it off and move forward. You mother like mine is a bitter woman that blames her kids for wasting her life and preventing her from doing wahtever great thing she thought she would be able to do.

    You and I are in the same club. I wish there  were fewer of us with hateful mothers, but unfortunately there are many of us.

    Stay tough, you are loved by your friends, BF's etc. H*ll I love you and I think you're great. As for your mom, I feel sorry for her, to treat her daughter like that. Look, she needs you a lot more than you need her. Stop crying, know you are loved. Be happy, I know you're beautiful.

  17. talk to your mother. ask her why she wanted to have an abortion

  18. she was probably just being a mad drunk, I'm sure that she didn't mean it, if you ask her after the hangover wears off she'll tell you it herself

  19. It sounds as if your mom is very bitter about the way her life is going. Maybe it is something she's thought from time to time: "If I'd never had a baby my life would have been different", and the alcohol just brought it bubbling to the surface. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you, it just means she wishes she had more control over her life.

    I would ask her about it though, for your own peace of mind. You need her reassurance that she doesn't really feel that way.

  20. She was drunk do you really think she meant it...

  21. talk to her about the situation while shes not drunk. shell talk it out with you. she prob didnt mean what she said

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