
My mom wants me to be home schooled and im not shure?

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should i go to home scooling and get all my friends numbers and stuff or wat im so confused ao please help




  1. Your mom probably has good reasons to homeschool. Just keep in touch with your friends from school. If they drop you, they weren't good friends to begin with. Give homeschooling a try-you might like it and you will be making new friends through homeschooling.

    Best of Luck!


  2. Why not try it? Expect a certain amount of time for adjustment, dedicate yourself to making it work and see what happens. Most problems can be solved. If you work best in the morning, do your work in the morning. If you work best in the afternoons, you can sleep in and do your household chores first. If you don't like your subjects, you can try a different one or a different curriculum. Keep in touch with your friends, and make new ones out in the community at homeschool groups, part time work, sports, hobbies etc.

    Sit down with Mum and discuss it all. Negotiate a plan that will work well for both of you. I don't mean

    9.00 Do English

    11.00 Have a snack

    11.15 Do maths.

    I mean you should both discuss what subjects to study, do a bit of research to find out how much work for each you should be doing each day, work together to choose curriculum/resources ( is helpful, so are the Amazon reviews,) discuss extra curricular activities. Have you always wanted to learn to horseride? Archery? Take a drama class? Learn to paint?

    When you come to some sort of agreement, you can always get on here and see what we all think :)

    It definately helps if you are using some sort of guide book. We're using The Well Trained Mind for ours, others I know use The Latin Centred Curriculum (as you can tell, we are classical homeschoolers ;) ) I know others who follow and some who more or less unschool.

  3. Is it just your friends that you are worried about?  Check out the rules in your area.  In my state, homeschoolers can still participate in sports and dances and clubs and such in the public school.

    Good luck!

  4. Give it a shot. Seems like public school isn't doing you any good. The word is sure. d**n Americans

  5. Home schooling is a very promising form of education. I was home schooled until the middle of seventh grade, and when I entered public school I was far more advanced than any of the other students. There have been studies that prove that home schooled children often have the better education, private schools take second place, and lastly comes public schooling. As long as you are determined and are willing to learn, you will most likely be pleased with being schooled at home. And no worries, you will still be able to keep in touch with your friends. You will now just have less of the drama (which most would find to be a good thing). Good luck with your decision!

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