
My mom wants me to change my last name for school?

by  |  earlier

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My last name is white and she wants me and my sister to go by our stepfathers last name which is something else.But my sister and I dont want too!She says that since we live with my stepfather and stepbrother we should go by his last name.I dont want to go by it in every class but i will do it in gym.WHAT SHOULD I DO?




  1. s***w that!

    i would never change my last name to my step dads.

    i dont even like him that much.

    just refuse!

    just go "yeah...uhh... **** you?  hahaha

  2. Talk to her or have a family member or close friend talk to her. Explain how you feel, and that is is your right, to carry your last name.

  3. This is a tough one.  She may not understand what she's asking you to give up.  A tie to your dad (living? you don't say).  Your lifetime identity.

    I'd stand together with your sister on this if you can.  Explain that you don't love them less, but this has been who you are since birth, and it's who you want to be.  If she forces you, then I guess you don't have a choice, but she can't force you to change it legally without your consent I don't think.  And you can of course go back to your real name when you're 18.

  4. It is with the biological father your last name should be or the signee in your birth certificate.

  5. Tell her no. you don't have to take there name! you have a right to keep yours and its ridiculous that she would ask you to do that

  6. Talk to your mom about it.If she doesn't listen then just do as she says.It's not gonna kill you.At least she didn't tell you to murder someone and go to jail.

  7. tell her!!! shouldnt have to change your name if you dont want too

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