
My mom wants me to invite jarred and his fam to the baby shower...?

by  |  earlier

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jarred is my ex of two years, im 16 and pregnant hes 18 (its not illegal where i live btw) we were soo inlove, until i told him i was pregnant and him and his family pushed really hard for abortion, when i told them im giving my baby life and working really hard to be the best mommy he left and has another girlfriend. i imed him asking him to be in the baby's life even if he's not in mine... and he goes, for all i care you and the baby can die.. so we stopped talking for months. then i called him maybe two weeks ago and told him the baby is healthy.... and he hung up before i can finish the sentence. my mom said just to invite them to the baby shower to make them know the door is always open, i doubt they will come, but what should i write in the card.. just the info and time and stuff.. or maybe more?? and i want to make sure if for some random reason they come he doesnt bring the new girlfriend.. i was thinking of writing a little peom in the card dedicated to the dad.. any ideas!




  1. A D O P T I O N

  2. Are u kidding me? s***w him, his family and his new girlfriend!! You dont need people like that in your life. Imagine how they will be with ur baby. You can do this on ur own, you dont need anyone else. He will not come to the baby shower. Hes 18, no boy at that age is mature enough to handle a baby, the situation, a family or anything. Do yourself a favor and forget about him!!

  3. I agree with your mother.  You should send him and his family an invite so that they know you are more than willing to offer them a place in your baby's life.  This is his child and their grandchild we are talking about, whether they like it or not.

    No need to include anything else.  Especially not a poem dedicated to a father.  A father that has been incredibly rude to you and wanted you to abort the baby?  Nope.  Don't do it.  Just include the basic information and leave the decision up to them.  If they come, they come.  If they don't, they don't.  Some day, when your child asks about his/her daddy and his family, you'll be able to say with confidence that you've tried everything you can to get them involved.

    If the father of your child does come to the shower (which I doubt he will, sense men don't generally attend these things anyway), I doubt his new girlfriend would actually attend as well.  If, God forbid, she does attend, don't stress yourself out about it.  Have a good time and make sure she knows that her boyfriend is the father of your baby.  I'm sure she'll be more uncomfortable than you would be.  lol

  4. First off ignore WI MOM.

    Secondly, just send a regular invitation.  They will probably have to RSVP and at that point, who ever is taking the RSVP's can find out if they are coming and who's coming with them.

    You are doing the right thing.  If later on down the road you have to go to court, you can bring this up - you invited him and his family to the baby shower even though things were rough between you two.  It's best to try to be civil with each other if at all possible.

  5. i wouldnt even invite them period he dont want nothing to do with you or your baby then f him. you can give that baby a good life without him. and no the door shouldnt be open if hes not there then he dont belong anyway. you can handle it. im a single mother and it sounds like your mothers there for you and thats all you need good luck and stay strong!

  6. I wouldnt waste my time inviting them because they have treated you like c**p so far.  Just invite the people who love you and are there for you.  You dont need people like them around they are only going to make you feel worse.

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