
My mom wants to know if its normal for a teenager to have oral s* it??

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My mom wants to know if its normal for a teenager to have oral s* it??




  1. It's normal for teenagers to have s*x... but should they? No.

  2. A recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology surveyed a group of 10th. graders about their thoughts and perceptions on s*x. The fact that teenagers in the 10th. grade were sexually active was no big surprise. What was surprising was the survey found teenagers were having oral s*x more often than intercourse and with many more partners. Most disturbing was that a majority of those teens surveyed said they did not use condoms during oral s*x.

    Peer pressure is a very strong influence in a teenager's life. But that is just one factor in a teen's decision to engage in sexual behavior. Reasons include:

    Teens want to be popular among their peers. Teens believe that if they engage in s*x, oral or intercourse they will be viewed as more popular. Studies show just the opposite. While they may be viewed as "popular" those teens who engage in unsafe s*x are not well liked among their peers.

    Teens believe oral s*x is the safe alternative to intercourse, both from pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The statistics prove otherwise. Millions of teenagers become infected with STD's such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV and herpes each year and oral s*x is a route by which teens are becoming infected.

    Oral to p***s Contact

    Theoretical Risk - Performing oral s*x or "giving a ********" carries a theoretical risk of transmission for the receptive partner because infected pre-ejaculate ("pre-***") fluid or s***n (***) can get into the mouth. Any open sores, cold sores, etc. can be a route by which the virus or bacteria can enter the bloodstream and infect. For the insertive partner there is a theoretical risk of infection because infected blood from a partner's bleeding gums or an open sore could come in contact with a scratch, cut, or sore on the p***s.

    Documented Risk - Although the risk is many times smaller than anal or vaginal s*x, HIV has been transmitted to receptive partners through oral s*x ("blow jobs"), even in cases when insertive partners didn't ejaculate (***).

    Oral to v****a Contact

    Theoretical Risk - Performing oral s*x on a woman carries a theoretical risk of HIV transmission for the insertive partner (the person who is l*****g or sucking the vaginal area) because infected vaginal fluids and blood can get into the mouth. (This includes, but is not limited to, menstrual blood). Likewise, there is a theoretical risk of HIV transmission during oral s*x for the receptive partner (the person who is having her v****a licked or sucked) if infected blood from oral sores or bleeding gums comes in contact with vulvar or vaginal cuts or sores.

    Documented Risk - The risk of HIV transmission during oral s*x is low compared to vaginal and anal s*x. However, there have been cases of HIV transmission and STDs resulting from oral-vaginal s*x.

    Key Points to Remember For Teens -

    Oral s*x carries a risk for both HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.

    HIV and some STDs are forever meaning they can't be cured.

    While you may seem more popular, having unprotected oral s*x does not make you more liked among your peers. In fact, studies show that people like you and respect you less when you have unprotected oral s*x.

    During oral s*x, both the boy and girl are at risk for disease.

    Getting a reputation for being "permiscuous", "sluty", or "easy" will stay with you long after high school is over.

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