
My mom wants to put me up for adoption, and this woman is willing to adopt me, but..?

by  |  earlier

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My mom said she does not know how to do it. I really want to live with this woman and my mom wants to know how to do the adoption process or what she has to do. And she also wonders where to go and how long it will take. So basically tell me about it and what you need. I am a 14 yearold girl.




  1. Well you can have your mom and the lady you are wanting to live with go down to your department of Social Services. They can point you in the right direction.

    You mom can terminate her parental right and this other lady can take them over. With you being 14 years old , depending on the state you live in, you might have a say so as to where you want to live. In that case it will go fairly quick and easy.

  2. Are you saying that your mother has no problem putting you out for adoption, because you are g*y?   Surely not!  How could a mother possibly agree to that.   Who are the people that want to adopt you.  If you are g*y, do they know that you are and are more willing to accept you than your own mother.

    If the circumstances at home are not good, and you have had an awful relation with your mother, I can understand that.

    But something about this bothers me.

    What is the relationship between your mother and yourself up to this point.

    Can you give us more details.  I am really interested.  If you are g*y and you have problems with your mother because of it, I can understand why you would want to leave.

    How old are you..

    Can you add notes to your question or e-mail me.  I am interested in your situation.

  3. Why not just give the woman temporary custody? Does your mother really want to give you up after 14 years? Why not just live with the other woman temporarily and try to work things out with mom? Why such a drastic decision? Sorry to ask so many questions, but it seems odd. I wish you well.

  4. Private adoptions still need a lawyer, I think they can share the same lawyer, they'll have to ask.  At your age, the woman willing to take you in could become your legal guardian with your mom's signature and it doesn't take as long.  You would keep the name your mom gave you unless you pay to have it legally changed.

  5. Im really struggling to get my head around this one...........If you and your mum are both happy for you to live with this lady, why do you need adoption?  This utter and total rejection is unnecessary.

  6. I AM SOOO SORRY! That is terrible that she would do this to you. You need to talk to someone about it. An adult, or a friend, or something. Good Luck.

  7. In a private adoption the parents do not contact or know one another (they may have met once or twice) and the child has no contact with the birth mum until 18(or around that age).

    Your mother must be nuts to want to put you up for adotion unless you're a h**l raiser. In that case she should at least want to approve of your new parents, unless she hates you.


  8. i would b mad if my mom wanted 2 put me up for adoption

  9. Tell your mom and your possible adoptive mom to contact adoption attorneys.

    They will be able to handle this!

    Good luck!


  11. independent adoptions are fairly easy, as long as everyone signs on the dotted lines.   the father and mother have to terminate guardianship, and the new family takes over. A lawyer in family law will be able to make it as painless as possible.   I hope this works out for you.  It is hard to go thru, but I wish you and both of ur moms the best.

  12. Both parents must still sign relinquishment papers.      Check you state laws on adoption.

  13. Is this a wind up ?

    Why does your mother want to put you up for adoption ?

    And if it is a private adoption then how do you know who the woman is ?

    It could easily take a year or more !

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