
My mom wants to sell my dog:(?

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My dog is 2 years old but somtimes still gos to the bathroom in the hose and when we put him out side he jumps the fence so we tied him up but he wont "Go" and now my mom wants to sell him. I dont want her to because he is my bestfriend. what can I do?




  1. I have a blog on housebreaking... Ask mom if you and her can work up a plan to try before you have to rehome thedog.  Save up all your money and buy some things that will make it easier..... like cleanup stuff, crate, neutering, and maybe a remote fence if he is fence jumper.

  2. make sure you tell your mum how much you love and appreciate the dog. Surf the net for tips on training or go to more obedience class - there are no age limits for dogs! tell your mum that it's not the dog's fault and you will be very sad without him and that even your mum will miss him if he goes. Also tell her that it is stressful for the dog to go between homes and if the new home gets sick of the annoying behavior and dint want to do something about it, he could end up in a Pound where they put animals down if not adopted with in a certain amount of time.

    hope this helps + hope you get to keep him!!!

  3. it's simple,take him out on a leash and walk him around

  4. I can't really give any advice on what you can do except recommit to your parents to training the dog and minimizing his negative behaviors... She will not be able to sell your dog, she will have a hard enough time trying to rehome the dog for free... If not trained and you are unable to convince your parents you have a shot of training the dog will most likely end up in the shelter. If they decide to take the dog to the shelter ask them, What are you teaching me about friendship, loyalty, responsibility, love and commitment? Your parents accepted the responsibility to care for this dog for life when they brought it into their home, by failing to train the dog appropriately, they failed the dog and the dog will have to suffer and most likely  die because of it, the dog did not fail them.

  5. start crying your mum will feel sorry for you and say (went your crying) "mum please don't sell him i love him and he's my best friend"

    then take him to dog school

  6. Sell your dog?  Who's gonna buy a 2 year old dog that's not house broken?!  You gotta walk your best friend twice a day, at least one hour each time. In fact, whoever's willing to walk him is his best friend. Dogs need to sniff a lot and meet other dogs. Otherwise they get weird.

  7. who would buy that thing?  

  8. There are tea cups and toy poodles.  Toy poodles are about 15 lbs and tea cups are smaller.  They look the same, just one is smaller.

  9. A dog needs training and care. Putting him outside for him is like a punishment. You must take him for long walks, until he goes, and then praise him. Obviously you don't do this, although I am sure when you got the dog you promised you'd be the one taking care of him. That's why I tell kids here not to press their parents to get them dogs unless the parents want the dog too, because that is how the dog becomes unwanted and untrained. And now if she tries to sell the dog which is not house trained it will probably end up in a shelter being killed.

    What you must do is:

    a. show some responsibility and take your dogs for walks.

    b. ask your mum to give the dog a chance and consult a trainer, even if she has to keep the money from your allowance. Rubbing his nose in is not traininmg, it is abuse and it brings the opposite results.

    c. tell her that it is not correct psychiologically to do that to yyou, because it will traumatise you and show you you can't be responsible. But that you will be responsible instead, and YOU'll clean up whenever there is an accident in the house.

    d. offer to pay for a new higher fence with money kept from your allowance, so that you can let him be outside longer.

  10. try to get your dog into the habbit of going outside. first your gonna have to catch him in the act inside. if u do rub his nose in it. just when he pees. after a while he should get the hint that he needs to do it somewhere else. when u catch him in the act rub his nose it in and then take him outside. h**l catch on eventually. it seems gross but it works.

  11. Take him to a class ,maybe at a Pet Smart store that'll train him.

    Im sorry :(

  12. train your dog.... get the dog enrolled in some obedience classes they will also teach you how to train the dog

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