
My mom wants to start dating again! Please read the rest and help me!!!

by Guest56804  |  earlier

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OKay well my mother was dating this guy named RON and i hated him and i dont really like anyone my om dates cause yeah! She is seeing this guy right now and i dont know him and i just dont want my mom to be lonely and stuff but i dont like anyone she dates!!!! She gets mad at me when i tell her that! What should i do please help me!!!




  1. i think that is any mutual feeling for someone. i had that same exact problem when my mom started dating again, i didnt like anyone she brought home and she dumped them because i didnt like them but eventually i felt bad everyone i didnt like she got rid of. i eventually learned she wasnt trying to replace my dad she just wanted to move on and be happy again so i gave this one guy a chance and it turns out we have alot in common so maybe give it another try =] you can message me if you wanna talk more =] hope i helped!

  2. Tough one. Some single Mom's I knew did not introduce their children to the men they dated unless they were super serious.

    If you and Mom have a one on one (not after 1 of her dates-neutral time) and you can kindly ,respectfully, and maturly mentioned you "heard a friends Mom did like this and it might be something to try" This suggestion  would perhaps be beneficial to you all. This may end your squabbles/stress over her dating life.

    Good luck!  

  3. its because your selfish and inconsiderate, your mom needs a little more in life than just you. oh yea and it really is none of your business.

  4. You didn't say why you hate everyone that she dates.  They all can't be loosers.  You say that you don't want her to be lonely and stuff, but yet your so closed minded that your not giving the man a chance.  Maybe you need to be more open minded and not so selfish.  Remember it's your mom's happiness that we are talking about here.  Yes, your part of the package and I'm sure that she really respects your opinion in the matter.  But come on don't you think that there might be another issue here at stake.

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