
My mom wants to start her own fitness business...?

by  |  earlier

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My mom is a fitness instructor and has been for over 20 years. She wants to start her own outdoor bootcamp and strollersize class (moms run with their toddlers in jogging strollers). What paperwork is necessary to start this kind of business. ( it would be outside so no need to rent a place.)




  1. Use this basic checklist to make sure all the important steps are taken before you launch your new venture. This business checklist will make sure that you cross all your t's and dot all your i's before your business launch.

    Steps to Starting a Business -

    Other sites you might find helpful are:

    SBA -

    SCORE -

    Small Business Resource -

    Business Link -


  2. Good idea, well first she will need to check for any sepcial licensing required by your county and/or city. Next she should consider a corporation or an LLC.  They aren't that difficult and protect her from the business, clients and others. I say that because if she does it as a sole proprietor her and the business are one and the same, That means if anyone sues the business, they sue her personally. It outs everything she owns personally into the risk of the business. And there are risks, it is really more of a matter of when you get sued not if.

    Anyway she should look into starting in from scratch with a  corporation or LLC, it very cheap insurance. Visit , it has some very basic helpful info.

    Good luck

  3. Check with your local CIty and County Clerk to see what permits and licenses are needed - the requirements are different between locations. She will also probably need a sales tax permit so that she can collect sales tax from her customers. She should also look into business insurance, at least basic liability in case one of her students gets hurt.

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