
My mom wants to take my dad to court?

by  |  earlier

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i guess she heard she can take him to court and they can order him to work.

im 16 and he hasn't had a job sence i was like 10. and he's never really suported me (ive gotten 480 a year from him this year. and child suport for a year when i was 6. and thats it) and when they split the judge said they had to split the costs, )12 yrs ago... )

so can she take him to court for that? can a judge order him to work? i dont really what her do because he'll get mad at me... but she wants to




  1. The best thing you can do is not worry about it and let your mother deal with the situation.  It should not be something you are concerned with. If your Mom insists on telling you these things you might want to say, "I really would rather not be involved in this Mom"

    He obvioulsly is just an irresponsible person. As far as him being mad at YOU about this...thats just crazy. You have nothing to do with his financial obligations. He is the adult and he is responsible for what actions are taken against him.

    That being said, realize that he is your dad, and sometimes you just get what you get...he may never be the hero or provider that you deserve. Take and appreciate the positive aspects of your relationship with him (if any) and move ahead. Soon you will be grown and will realize all of your dreams.

    Finally, my wife is owed over $130,000 in back child support from her ex-husband  and never received a penny for over 16years. She has jumped through every hoop imaginable to collect the money but it never happens. So, like I said, dont worry yourself about these things...they are out of your control.

  2. Yes, your mother has every right to take him to court for back child support.  While they cannot "order" your father to work, they can put a lien (sp?) on any property he may own, they can garnish any income he does receive including disability or retirement, and the IRS can get involved in making sure that any tax return he has in the future, goes to your mother to repay that debt.

    Your father shouldn't be mad at you because you have nothing to do with this.  And I'm sorry but if your mother needs the help to support you, then she should get it.  Your father has a responsibility to help support you and he is shirking that responsibility.  

    Best of luck!



  3. What a tough spot your dad is putting you in if he gets mad at you!

    While a judge usually can't technically force someone to work, they have ways to make it happen. There is something called imputed income. That is when the judge says he thinks a parent should make $XXXX a month and then will base child support payments on that amount. If the parent doesn't pay that amount, then they can lose their driver's license and professional licenses (medical, legal, etc), and they can go to jail. Usually the parent goes out and finds a job and pays support, because they don't want to go to jail. The smartest thing to do is to find a job before court, or the judge may pick a number that is on the high side.

    Your mom is doing the right thing by seeking appropriate child support from your dad. Actually, by not handling this she would be sort of being a negligent parent. It is YOUR right to be supported by both of your parents, and neither of your parents can deny that to you. And unfortunately, if one parent won't do the right thing without being forced, the other parent has a duty to do the forcing.

    I find it hard to believe that your dad hasn't had a job in that long. If he was on disability, you would be getting payments from social security. He's probably been working "off the books".

    I'm sure your dad loves you and wants to do the right thing. Sometimes adults have problems and need a push to do something that will actually help themselves. If your mom goes to court and makes him work, it will not only be good for you, but it will be good for him and his self image.

    I don't think your dad will really be mad at you if your mom takes him to court. Deep down he will be mad at himself. Don't stress over it.

  4. Youe dad is laughing all the way to bank and what he is doing to you and your mother is WRONG, I'M a dad and i payed child support for 14 years at 250,00 a week for four kids and never missed a payment, your dad is working, he just tells you all that he is not working or how else would he surrive in life, he is working he just dont want to pay his child support and i really think your mom should take him to court and have him pay to take care of you

  5. In most states, child support is determined by calculating a percentage of someone's income.  If they aren't working, there's no income. The state cannot MAKE someone work -- otherwise, there would be a LOT less people on welfare!  If your father gets angry at you because your mom is wanting him to live up to his responsibilities -- well, I'm sorry, but let's face it, he sounds pretty much like a s***w-up anyway. He's mad at the world, and you're part of that.  It's nothing that you've done.

  6. my mom is doing the same, though im 13. email me- we can talk.

  7. This is your Dad's bad behavior not your Mom's.

    You really should not be involved in the process.

    Please don't blame your Mom, if you are on good terms with your Dad ask him why he doesn't have a job?

    He might have a good reason.

    He might not.

  8. your family is ******.

  9. The judge can't order him to work but if there is a childsupport agreement in order for a set amount then the court can find him in contempt and put him in jail or give him like 30 days to start paying on the support.  But no they can't just make him work but if he doesn't work he won't be able to pay the court ordered support or court fines and will just end up in jail.

  10. Yes, he should be supporting you!  He will have to to pay all that back child support he missed!

  11. Your mother should be receiving child support for you.  So yes she can and should go to court.  She is doing this for the support of you.  

    As far as your father, he has NO reason to get mad at you.  In fact, he should be helping by giving your mother the support money for you.  

    I am sorry that you feel stuck in the middle of this, it isn't your fault.  Sometimes parents have to go to court for the well being of their children.  Your father should understand that the money is for you.  I don't know about ordering him to " work", but they can order him to pay.  if he is receiving any money at all now , they will probably order him to pay her some.

    good luck and realize your Mom is trying to help you.

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