
My mom went to work drunk?

by  |  earlier

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My oldest daughter is at my mom' house right now,she just text'd me and said grandma (mymom) got called in to work. My mom had been drinking all evening from maybe 4pm til 11pm and then went to sleep,so she slept 1 and a half hours then got called in. Iam 250 miles away. I called my daughter right when I got her text and said tell her she better not drive,not to mention go to work drunk and my daughter said she already left. I was asking my daughter if grandma was REALLY drunk, trying to get an idea of how drunk she was , my daughter was like yeah, I guess. Im freaking out,shes driving,she probablly already at work. She works in a casino incase you are wondering




  1. You could have called the casino where she works and spoke to her supervisor to at least alert them that she should not be on the floor or pit in her condition.  After all, money talks with those guys, and if they thought she might make an error and they'd lose money because of it, they might have called someone else to fill in.

    Get your kid a bus ticket from Bullhead/Laughlin back home - a 16 year old doesn't need to be around that c**p.  

  2. when it comes to the safety of a loved one sometimes the best thing you can do is call the police for them.  I say for them because it might be the wake up call they need to get their **** together.  Also keep in mind how many other people she could hurt while driving drunk.  

  3. A little confrontation & prevention can go a long way. You can start by hiding the keys in case this happens again. You can also make a call

    to your local PD once she leaves the house. They can deal with her then.

      If she objects to any of these things, TOO BAD. That's what puts the

    "tough" into tough love. Do it and don't back down---no matter how hard

    she resists.

  4. well i would pray for a little less drinking and have a bit more responsibility  ..  

  5. ok and...


  6. How old is the child?

  7. F-ing A man!!!

  8. You call 911 on her before she gets someone, including herself, killed.

  9. What's the question?

    Not much you can do aside from hope she doesn't die in a car accident, and arrange transport back to her house.

  10. whats the question your trying to ask?

  11. u r right,she goofed,she needs help,that can happen in the future.right now u need to get her home w/out a big show,so bite the bullet and go get her,they'll b time enough later to talk or help her in the future

  12. Is there someone you know that can go get your mother and drive her home.  Maybe her boss has not seen her yet.

    She could have a wreck and hurt herself and others or maybe worse, kill someone else.

    If you don't know anyone or if your daughter doesn't know anyone that will go get her, call the police and tell them the story and that you do not want her to drive home nor be a work drunk.

    Good luck,  

  13. wow... i would have your daughter get ahold of the neighbor or other family and ask if they could go to the casino and get the mom to come back home and go to sleep...and hope she doesnt get fired

  14. Just hope she doesnt puke all over the boss.

    but really, thats her choice if she wanted to go to work drunk.

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