
My mom won't let me become vegetarian &thinks im going "anorexic" just because of that

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idk what to do. Help me. she won't listen so i won't even try talking to her. then she gets mad and screams everywhere. HELP!!

I just feel really bad eating animals. and this is my little way of making a difference.




  1. Your mom sounds unreasonable.  Considering the value our nation places on slimness, I would think she'd be overjoyed that you want to be healthy and thin whereas most people are fat.  Have her watch "Meet your Meat" (you can find it on youtube) and get her into anger management.

  2. Tell your mom that it's something you strongly beileve about, possibly refuse the meat. Tell your mom all the reasons why, and tell her that vegetarians can be healthy. Maybe if you've seen some of those awful slaughtering videos, show them to her. Maybe then she'll understand.

  3. Good for you!  Did you know that this way of making a difference isn't little at all?  Just one vegetarian saves one acre of land per year!  I became a vegetarian 2 months ago, and my mom wasn't too wild about it either.  I didn't really talk about it, I just refused her chicken soup one night and stated that I was a vegetarian.  She was really agitated for a couple of weeks, and then started being supportive after she accepted that I was doing this for the right reasons.  I read a book called "A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian" which really helped me.  It educated me on all of the facts, and which foods to eat to maintain my nutrition, as well as how to cope when school comes up.  When she started seeing that i really cared and was making an effort to learn and open my mind to new things (I just tried tofu!), she started making an effort too!  She even asks the restaurants now if there is any animal product in the food, and tells all her friends, and is very proud that I have made this decision and care about the environment (or in your case, the animals).  

    I would suggest reading that book, or a book like it (for teens) because it has a whole chapter devoted on discussing how to deal with your parent's reactions and what you can do to ease them into the whole idea of it.  Maybe start gradually: cut out one meat group a week, and before you know it, you'll be vegetarian!  I just made the decision one night and I have stuck to it!  Let her know you really care and are being responsible with your health (make sure you know how to get your protein, that's what parents FREAK OUT about) and she'll see that you are responsible,and parents always want that!

  4. not eating meat does not make you anorexic...thats just crazy...explain to your mom how you feel...i personally hate people who hunt...and rarely eat meat...explain to her the'll eat other things in replace of meat...that could make you healthier..more fruits and veggies...thats HEALTHY :)

  5. Your mom is probably just worried and scared of you doing this. You ate meat for how long, and now all the sudden you want to stop? It's a little erratic (not saying it's completely negative.) If you can't get her to understand that you still are willing to eat healthy and adequate meals with just skipping the meat, you are just going to have to show her that you can do it and still do well. I don't know if there will be any physical effects or disadvantages to quitting meat, but if it would make your mother feel better, schedule an appointment with your physician.  

  6. i noe how ya feel I'm vegetarian and it took me a while to convince my mum this is wat i did

    tell her you cant become anorexic by being vegetarian its only when you starve yourself and say to her those poor animals get slaurted and its very cruel its just like putting an alive animal in a oven tell your mum its not like your asking her to change the whole way you eat just take away the meat and say you will make your own meals  

  7. This same thing happened to me. My mom let me do it for a month then she got mad because I enjoyed it. She bought only meat for a week.

    Until you have a job and buy your food and cook them yourself, just eat what your mom puts in front of you and wait. I know it's hard but you have to think, your mom might have to change they food she buys to fit your needs and make you a different from the rest of the families. It's a lot to put on your mom.

  8. Anorexia is the Aact of starvinbg ourself! tell her that. ell her it's because the animals are killed in the most inhumane ways. Show her some peta videos of how animals are killed and talk to her about how traditional american diets which are high in meat are downers in your health.  

  9. Here's what I'd do. Get on the internet and get the facts on a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. Also, you could present some meal plans to your mother so she knows that you do intend to eat.  I'm sure she just doesn't understand that you are going veggie because it's a lifestyle you want to pursue, not because you want to loose weight. Explain to her that you are fine with your image, you just dont care for meat.  With all the health information she may realize that vegetarians can lead healthy lives, and that this is a moral issue for you, not an eating crisis.

  10. write up a list of healthy substitutes for meat and show your mom how much vegetarian food you can eat and still be healthy.  tell her you feel like it's wrong to eat animals, so being a vegetarian would actually make you more likely to eat than if you wanted to be one and couldn't.

  11. as long as your getting a protein substitute you'll be fine

  12. im a vegetarian and i get all the things i need and you might lose weight in the beginning because you aren't getting all the meat like in the beginning

  13. you mom can't stop you. she is probably worried about you and did not express herself well. especially if you have lost weight. do some research. let her know that your serious. there is nothing like supporting yourself with facts. look up  fat consumed in animal products and its risk to heart disease, etc. you have to be careful to make sure you get enough iron/protein. tell her by eating tofu/beans you are eating healthy. and make sure you are getting what your body needs. find yummy recipes and offer to cook dinner for everyone.if you do these things and just show your mom you are making wise decisions, I'm sure she will be happy for you.don'tt fight with her. ask her to buy veggie burgers for you or whatever at the store. it can be more expensive, so try to choose a few things, like beans and cook them yourself so you don't overwhelm your mom. just start making small changes. it will effect your family. you can't expect them to not eat meat so at dinnertime go to the kitchen and offer to make avariationn of what they are making. like, if they are making meat loaf, look up a veggie loaf and make it while your mom is making her loaf and you can stick it in the oven with hers. after a while she will be used to it and just make it for you but it will take some adjustments and time. good luck.

  14. Show her this question, then hopefully she'll understand that anorexia and vegetarianism is completely different.

    I'm not quite sure how or why your mom won't let you go vegetarian. You decide what you put in your mouth, just try making your own meals. Or offer to cook

  15. let her know that you would like to try it for once and if you want to go back you will. if she was supportive it would make it a lot easier on her part.

  16. just do it anyway. That's wot i would do................OR JUST KILL EVERYONE ON THE PLANET AND TRAVEL IN A GOLF CART TO MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!, THEY HAVE WATER ON MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  17. You can still eat eggs.  Eggs that they sell in the stores are actually unfertilized eggs, so you don't need to feel bad about eating it.  A lot of people who wants to lose weight won't eat eggs because they have more calories then some other foods.  So I think your mom will be fine with that...

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