
My mom won't let me buy a pet rat!?

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Ok so I really want a pet rat, right? I have all this babysitting money i'm not going to use and I decided I wanted to buy a pet rat so I went online to read about pet rats. Then I asked my mom but she wouldn't let me because she says they carry diseases. So how do I convince her that domesticated rats aren't like wild dirty ones?




  1. I'm sure you can find health facts for pet rats through an exhaustive Google search.

    You can point out to your mom that if pet rats were a health risk, we'd all know about it.

  2. I use to have baby pet mice, and let me tell you, we had their wild mouse friends invade our home.  I guess they attract each other.  Not sure if it happens a lot, but we had like 10 little mice, than had a mouse problem.  If your mom is against it you shouldn't convince her to do what you want.  Just wait until you move out or find a friend who will house them for you.

  3. I said this to the other person.

    First of all you cannot get /a/ rat. That would be very unfair to the rat. They need to be kept in same s*x pairs or groups. Second of all, are you prepared to pay for vet bills too? I'd do a lot more research before even considering trying to convince your parents:

  4. ugh I hate rodents PERIOD.

  5. There's lots of info online that will specifically say that domestic rats do not carry diseases contagious to humans. Type into the search bar online words like pet rats, pet rat diseases, and other such things. Print this information out and show it to your mom. If she reads it and still says no, unfortunately those are her rules. I've owned rats for 10 years and I've never gotten sick from any of them. Taking proper care such as cleaning the cage every three to five days will ensure that you do not get sick from the soiled bedding. If your mom agrees to let you get a rat, please get two. One rat alone will become very lonely and depressed, I'm sure you know this if you've done proper research. Goodluck, hope she lets you get two!

  6. Eww..

    Your mom is right, listen to her. If you want a rat, then you can wait until your older and get your own house/appt.

  7. Maybe take her down to your local petshop and the Salesperson can give her more information about rats.Maybe instead of a rat try consider a mouse because they seem cleaner.


    hope it helps... show ur mom

  9. Well for starters, how about trying the following:

    #1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.

    #2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.

    #3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.

    #4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.

    #5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.

    #6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.

    #7 Don't talk rudly to adults

    #8 Always share with other kids.

    #9 Go to bed when you are told to.

    #10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.

    # 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

    If 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to your life and family. :)

  10. tell her if she thinks that then she HAS to do research on pet rats.  and if she doesnt want to bother she should just take your word for it because they pet rats dont carry diseases unless they are poorly treated.  (also please buy 2 pet rats, not one they're sociable animals a NEED a buddeh rat D:)

  11. I use to have about 15 rats cause my sister's rat had babies like.. 5 years ago :P

    Rats are sweet. Find some research to prove your point and print it, show it to your mom.


    Have a nice night :)

  12. show her the websites and stuff and let her read up about them too. also, if you do get a rat,make sure you get two.

  13. rats are nice, smart and friendly. thats all i can say. moms always think rats are gross. its just their thing they have

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