
My mom won't let me go to the football games, is there anyway I can convince her?

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I want to go to the football game Friday, with my friends. But my mom won't let me. She says too much stuff goes on there and she doesn't want me to be a part of it. I'm gonna be talking to my friends, watching the game, and cheering my football player friends on it's not like I'm gonna be doing something bad...but she still says no.

By the way I'm a freshman and 15 years old.

Thanks guys.





  1. There isn't really a problem. I've been to high school football games when I was 11. All I saw was high schoolers talking to their friends. It's not like they were getting high or anything. Plus, there is adults there. Plenty of people to make sure you're behaving.

  2. tell her your going with a couple close friends and one of their moms will be there. i really dont see why she wouldnt let you go, its only a football game not a makeout party.

  3. Ask her or your dad to come with you.  Once they see that you are ok they will start to slack off.  If they don't then you will be heading for therapy in 15 years.

  4. Well I'm a Senior and my dad is exactly the same so actually this year my mom, my sister and my my one month old niece and nephew are going with me so this should be fun lol

  5. At fifteen you're old enough to go to your high school's football games with friends. Learning to look out for yourself and to socialize is part of the high school experience and part of growing into a mature, independent young woman.  Mom is making a mistake.  Of course, her punishment is to insist that she go with you and sit through the entire game to make sure you're safe.

  6. Ask your mom to go with you or tell her you will carry your phone and call her every hour or so so she knows your ok and go with a group of friends

    Talk to your mom and see if you could work something out  

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