
My mom won't listen to me and now the effects are bad, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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My mom has been smoking a long time. She recently developed a bad cough and is having trouble breathing. She hasn't gone to the hospital to get an x-ray yet because she is scared. Her friends are idiots and when they come over, they talk on the back porch with wine and everything all night. Last night, she told her friend she couldn't party tonight because she didn't feel good but her friend said, well you can do it one more night so she did and now you can hear her breathing and it's horse and raspy. She coughs a lot, won't talk and is always laying down. She just called my dad to finally take her to the hospital. I tried to tell her to stop but she ignores me. I'm really scared. I'm not that old and I have a baby sister. my mom keeps saying take care of your sister. I don't know what to do she left for the hospital and I'm really scared. What do I think?




  1. Well, you can ask this advice at

    People on the website, should be able to help you out.

    I go on it all the time!

  2. It's not your mom's job to listen to you. It's your job to listen to your mom. If she says take care of your sister, you do it.

    She is the parent, she commands respect. You give it to her.  

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